If anyone has ZUMBA 2 ..

Does anyone know how accurate the 'calories burned' at the end of each workout is?

Just wondering if it's even worth putting in my exercise diary. Today it said I burned 290 calories, I only did maybe 5 or 6 songs!


  • Buddhistonabus
    I've got it, and if your height and weight are correct on your profile then it should be accurate. I've been trusting what it says anyway!
  • YennaBean
    YennaBean Posts: 77 Member
    Thank you! How do you like it by the way? It's hard for me to keep up so a lot of time I just end up doing my own thing.. lol
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Its probably not accurate. It can't take into account your general fitness. You should invest in a good HRM with calories.
  • Aerohead21
    Aerohead21 Posts: 333 Member
    I have it and love it! It took me a few weeks to get used to it. I am guessing the calories are fairly accurate considering you burn more as your accuracy goes up. Then again, it is a fallable system so I just try to have fun :) I finally tried Medium Intensity for a full length class and I was sore for a few days afterward so I am looking forward to doing it again!
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 543 Member
    The Answer is NO... I've being doing Zumba 2 on the Wii since early Jan and I was going by
    its Cal burn until I got a HRM with a chest strap and the Difference was mind blowing. MFP,
    Xbox's etc only go by Weight, time etc where as the HRM is a true reading and a true cals
    burn. I got the Polar ft4 which was a great investment. I love Zumba 2 but don't be cheated like
    I was...Olive