Putting it out there


Well I’m new to the site made an account a few days ago and still trying to get going. I’m normally a self starter but things have not been going so well. A few years back was doing great on a good path to getting to a healthy weight even though I’ve always been a big guy throughout my life. So was going to the gym every morning before work doing good and looking to buy a house. Went on a two week vacation out of state had a blast with friends only to come back to find that I had been laid off with half the office. You think with more time on my hands I’d be at the gym more but that wasn’t the case. Started staying home more “to save money” didn’t go to the gym or outside to hang with friends. Stopped calling, texting, emails and online games that I enjoyed. Felt really sick and tired all the time to the point I had to go to the doctors. After a brief hospital stay of a few days I’m back home turns out I’m now diabetic, so I guess my weight was slowly killing me.

Long story short here I am about 70 lbs heavier, my main motivation is the support I get from my family (I’m at a point I’d like to just give up) and I really want to lose weight for my health, to be able to enjoy life again, and to show those that stuck by me that I’m worth it.

It’s amazing what you can share with people you don’t really know and feels kinda good… :smile:

I’m here to make some positive changes in my life and looking for some supportive friends/group with the similar ideas or goals so add me


  • cazwillis99
    cazwillis99 Posts: 238 Member
    Hi, I'm new to this site too, signed up because weightwatchers and slimming world dont seem to work for me. I want to lose weight because I know I shpuld be slimmer than I am, though my doc says that i shouldn't worry too much because I'm not obese - I would be if I didn't constantly monitor my food intake!,

    Well done for making the first step, weight loss is about making lots af small changes that all add up. You don't need to go to a gym, walking is great and you only need to start with three thirty minute walks a week - you'll soon be looking forward to your walks and they will get longer and more frequent!! My brother has just been diagnosed with diabetes (type 2 I think - the one that can be controlled by food intake rather than injections) and for the first time in his life he has started to walk regularly and he is enjoying it.

    Good luck and remember that you will get there with small but positive steps.

    Best wishes, Caz
  • mickyjg
    First of all I'd just like to say congratulations for wanting to change your lifestyle. I was in a similar frame of mind as yourself but my problem was the death of my mother who I'd been nursing in my home for 3years who died from bone and liver cancer 5 months ago. People who thought they were well meaning kept saying 'well you'll be able to do so much more now'. I didn't want to do more, I wanted my mum back so I started avoiding going out so that I didn't bump into these well meaning people and my weight skyrocketed.

    Thanks to bereavement counselling I am now able to get out more and have joined a gym with my sister so hopefully I'm on the upward path but it's not easy.

    My mum used to say 'if it's worth having, it's worth working for' so for her I'm going to do my best and wish you the best of luck too...as has been said, little steps and take it one day at a time :)
  • weightloss43154
    weightloss43154 Posts: 203 Member
    welcome sent you a friends request