Eating right but staying the same! help!

Have been following MFP guidelines for over 50 days. I have a LOT of weight to loose! 200lb or so! So far I have lost 13 lb which is ok but not as much as I would have hoped with my goal set to 2lb loss per week.

I am very inactive. I have back and foot problems which make exercise very difficult and painful. If I take a walk for just half an hour, generally that will lead to increased foot and back pain which leaves me unable to do much else.

I am sticking to my calorie goal and trying my best to eat within the suggested nutritional guidelines. Each day I have a small amount of chocolate (still within my allowances) as I am in this for the long haul and need to have something as a treat to aim for at the end of the day!

However, even though I am being very good and absolutely honest with my food diary, I have now been at the same weight for two weeks, only fluctuating up and down a lb here and there. What am I doing wrong!? My clothes don't feel any different and I am getting very frustrated. My daughter (19) is also following the plan and has lost nearly 20 lb over the same time. Argh!



  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    As you said you are in this for the long haul. Everybody has fluctuating weight at some time or another and this will be a new thing for your body to get used to. If the weight continues to stay the same and you can't do anymore exercise comfortably then maybe you should look at what you are eating. Maybe replace some foods with more Veggies and if you eat meat more protein like fish, egg whites and lean meats like Skinless chicken and turkey. Make sure you are eating lots of Fruit and veg as it will fill you up and be lower in calories. :)
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    Also - You have lost weight!! Well done, you should praise yourself for taking the right steps to a healthy and happier life. With the added support of this site and your daughter you will reach your goal. Keep positive and sticking to the food plan! :)
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Hi Anna,
    I just had a look at your diary.
    try to keep your carbs under 50 for the day. I know this will take an adjustment, but so will weight loss.
    Eat only natural non processed, clean foods to help keep the carbs low.
    I notice you are not tracking your may find that is blowing out. Sugar will make us fat.
    That's what works for me....It's 80% diet, 20% exercise for weight loss. In my opinion.
    Good luck!
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    Also take a look at how much salt you are taking in each day (on packets as well as added salt)
    Salt retains water in the body and that could be effecting the scale. Plus salt isn't good for you, it's know as the slient killer and everyone should follow a low sodium diet for optimum health :)
  • creative1981
    creative1981 Posts: 182 Member
    Well done for the 13lbs! It's still in the right direction.

    Looking at your diary, I would add more fruit and veggies. But I'm no expert, I still have a huge amount to lose myself! Remember our bodies are different, so what works for your daughter might not work for you. Most of all keep going and good luck!
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    I just checked your food diary and noticed you may have your Calorie and Fat settings too high. I'm not a nutritionist but I would go to at least 1800 calories, if not 1600. I would change the Fat setting to 20%, I have mine at 17%. Feel free to take a look. Be forewarned though, some of my days are pretty bad. Don't forget to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water each day. You also might want to check with your doctor to see if you can try Tai Chi or Yoga. It will get you moving and help strengthen your back.
  • Annaflower
    Thanks for the support from everyone. Will follow advice to keep sodium low and try to increase fruit and veg.
    A x
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    As you said you are in this for the long haul. Everybody has fluctuating weight at some time or another and this will be a new thing for your body to get used to. If the weight continues to stay the same and you can't do anymore exercise comfortably then maybe you should look at what you are eating. Maybe replace some foods with more Veggies and if you eat meat more protein like fish, egg whites and lean meats like Skinless chicken and turkey. Make sure you are eating lots of Fruit and veg as it will fill you up and be lower in calories. :)

    Hi Anna,

    I've just had a look over your food dairy and you aren't consuming much veg at all and no fruit. Is this a conscience decision? Definately replace 'wotsits and prezels' (both high in salt) with Veg and fruit. I really think that would make a huge difference! :)
  • dennydifferent
    dennydifferent Posts: 135 Member
    I agree with Kymmu, and will probably take a lot of **** for it. However, with that much to lose I'd take a gamble on your having greatest success by moderating your carb intake.

    To begin with, you could try cutting out refined, processed carbs and sugars. Just for a week or so, to see what happens. No bread, no brownies, cookies, pasta, pastries, sodas or anything with added sugar - muesli bars, cereal etc. You can set your macros on MFP anyway you like- try setting carbs to 100 a day for just a week.

    If the scale moves, this would indicate lowering your carbs might be a good way to go for you and you can look into it some more.

    In general, protein is going to fill you up more than grains, so is a good way to go to keep your calories low.

    Best of luck.

    EDIT: wotsits and pretzels are more processed, refined carbohydrate than they are salt. Jus' sayin'...
  • LauritaS767
    LauritaS767 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi Anna, Congrats on the 13lbs! I was just looking at your food diary, and i agree with what the others are saying. More fruits and veggies are needed. The only other advice I could give you is to drink more water- at least 6 to 8 glasses a day. This works well for me on a daily basis.
  • Annaflower
    Hi Anna,
    I just had a look at your diary.
    try to keep your carbs under 50 for the day. I know this will take an adjustment, but so will weight loss.
    Eat only natural non processed, clean foods to help keep the carbs low.
    I notice you are not tracking your may find that is blowing out. Sugar will make us fat.
    That's what works for me....It's 80% diet, 20% exercise for weight loss. In my opinion.
    Good luck!

    I use the iPad app to record all my foods and keep a close eye on my sugars on there. I am under the suggested amount at least 80% of the time and only just above if I do go over. I have also changed my given nutrients so that I eat fewer carbs and more protein. Have otherwise mostly tried to stick to the original settings that MFP gave me.
  • TamsinEllis
    13lbs is great, you've set for 2lb a week, 50days is just under 2 months (saying a month is exactly 30 days) so I think you'll easily hit 16lb for 60days :) I noticed people have made comments about you're food diary, I haven't looked myself but I'd say for 50days 13lb is great :) just instead of looking at it as 50days look at it as 7weeks, that means you are only 1lb off target (saying 2lb a week is ideal target), I am set for 2lb per week (though once I hit my halfway I'll change it for 1lb) and to be honest I average about 5lbs a month, the way I see it is so long as I haven't gained I'm doing good, I know I don't have as much to lose as you, so you should easily hit 8lb a month I'm sure, just try changing things up, the body adapts very quickly so if you (for example) only do running for your exercise change it a bit so one day you'll do your running and next time you exercise you'll do a workout dvd, and if you eat the same foods every day change them up a bit, you don't have to change your meal per say just add things in and take other things out (I realize this wont be ideal if you get pre-packed meals).

    Good work so far :D and good luck with the rest of it :)
  • dennydifferent
    dennydifferent Posts: 135 Member
    Although I wouldn't panic so soon, if the weight REALLY won't shift you might want to check with your doc for various hormonal issues, unless you have already?
  • Annaflower

    Hi Anna,

    I've just had a look over your food dairy and you aren't consuming much veg at all and no fruit. Is this a conscience decision? Definately replace 'wotsits and prezels' (both high in salt) with Veg and fruit. I really think that would make a huge difference! :)

    I put a lot of veg into the recipes I cook for dinner. At least three portions per serving. But I do agree with your comment about fruit. I worry about the levels of sugar in fruit which take me over the daily allowance which is why I avoid it.
  • kittyneutron
    kittyneutron Posts: 160 Member
    Have to agree, your calories seem quite high to achieve weight loss considering your level of activity. Try between 1300-1500. Like you I cannot work out (I can walk) so I find that people like us need to be extra careful with our calories when we can't go and burn a couple thousand calories a week through hard exercise. Also, I see you are new to MFP, so maybe you will start to see a difference once you start tracking your food daily. Feel free to have a look at my diary if you would like some tips. I have been doing MFP for 35 days and lost 13 pounds (6 kg). I have found that going over my sugar will stop the scale from going down for sure.

    Best wishes to you!
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    I wouldn't be too concerned about the sugar in fruit as long as you limit your total sugar throughout the day and have no more than three servings of fruit per day. I'm diabetic and only have one fruit per day because of this. I'm usually over my sugar for the day but it's the good sugar such as granola bars or yogurt so I'm not worried. You'll gain important health benefits from the fruit, especially the ones with antioxidants such as blueberries, so try to add them in. Best of luck.
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member

    Hi Anna,

    I've just had a look over your food dairy and you aren't consuming much veg at all and no fruit. Is this a conscience decision? Definately replace 'wotsits and prezels' (both high in salt) with Veg and fruit. I really think that would make a huge difference! :)

    I put a lot of veg into the recipes I cook for dinner. At least three portions per serving. But I do agree with your comment about fruit. I worry about the levels of sugar in fruit which take me over the daily allowance which is why I avoid it.

    Fruit is natural and contains a lot of fiber if eat as a piece of fruit and not in drink form.
    Add some berries to your morning porridge and don't add any extra salt. I have muesli or porridge with Raspberries and Blueberries. Choose which ever berries you like and add them to a meal once everyday they are sooo good for you!!!
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    Have to agree, your calories seem quite high to achieve weight loss considering your level of activity. Try between 1300-1500. Like you I cannot work out (I can walk) so I find that people like us need to be extra careful with our calories when we can't go and burn a couple thousand calories a week through hard exercise. Also, I see you are new to MFP, so maybe you will start to see a difference once you start tracking your food daily. Feel free to have a look at my diary if you would like some tips. I have been doing MFP for 35 days and lost 13 pounds (6 kg). I have found that going over my sugar will stop the scale from going down for sure.

    Best wishes to you!

    Maybe check with doc before reducing calories that low. My total goal is to shed 120lbs and they had me start at 1600 calories. I just reduced to 1500 a few weeks ago and I started this in July. Never go less than 1200 and that should probably be reserved for the last 20 lbs.
  • jmaffett
    Anna, are you drinking water? It wasn't recorded on your diary for yesterday. If I don't drink my water than I will not lose weight as quickly. And I do better when I drink plain water, not tea, not soft drinks, not soups. A minimum of 8 glasses of water a day.

    I agree with others about limiting carbs and increasing fruit and veg.

    Also, maybe you can incorporate some seated exercise. Search around the internet for videos on "Sit and Be Fit", which is a tv show here in the States that has exercise for those who can't get out and walk around. Even if you're only burning an additional 50 or 100 calories a day, it will rev up your metabolism!

    You're doing well. Don't stress and remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint! Younger women will ALWAYS lose faster than us more mature women. :tongue:
  • olong
    olong Posts: 255 Member
    Whew! Lots of advice about your carbs and processed foods. I've got a nugget about the exercise end. You can still exercise and be kind to your feet and back. Light weights (or two large cans of beans) and exercise bands can be used to give arms, shoulders and leg muscles some work while you're adjusting your calorie/food balance. You might also consider an exercise ball to use to strengthen your ab & back muscles (which in turn may eventually be able to help reduce back pains from walking). Anyway, the toning won't give you extra calories to eat, but the toning will add to the development of your muscle and, in theory, boost your metabolism.