Aussie Mum Newbie :o)

Hi Everyone,

I've just joined and am hoping I have found the much needed motivation I need to get into shape, and more importantly, stay in shape.

I struggle a lot in my relationship with food. I always seem to love the wrong types of food ~ don't talk to me about portion control when I have a whole block of chocolate in front of me!

I have an equal struggle with depression and anxiety and find it very hard to find general motivation in my everyday life. I gave up my job just over a year ago because I was exhausted in every way possible and just couldn't hold myself together any longer. Since then, I've lacked direction in life and don't feel like I'm really living.

I've made the decision to get myself motivated and focused and enjoying my life again. From here on, it's positive thinking!

I am a mum to two boys, I just turned 35, and would love some friends for support and who I can support in return.

Add me as a friend if you please ~ thanks! :o)


  • hi im also a mum of two boys and have suffered with depression in the past so i know it is very hard to find motivation :( friend request sent to you :flowerforyou:
  • emmyash
    emmyash Posts: 115 Member
    hi Im from Ballarat vic..also suffer depression and anxiety.8 years now...:smile: .been on mfp for a few weeks now and i have only comfort eaten 2 times..havnt been well for months now but since last week when i had a meltdown..its like it has released all the stress..i feel so happy right at this moment...mum to 2 boys...
  • I'm an Aussie mum too! Im 32 and have 3 Children.
    I've battled (well constantly battle) depression and anxiety as well. It's tough especially when you have little people depending on you.

    Sending you a request now :-)