Is breakfast the hardest meal for you too?



  • KLDunford
    I'm not a big fan of breakfast that's why 3 cups of coffee w/ 9 teaspons of sugar and a 90 cal granola bar would do me.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Studies show to get your metabolism going, you need 600 calories for breakfast. And you should at a few bites of chocolate, since it kills cravings for the rest of day. And also it's not a myth that it does speed up your metabolism.

    Cite. I have studies to back up my position. Do you?
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    I usually eat fat free greek yogurt with fresh strawberries and blueberries or egg beater with a slice of fat free cheese on an arnolds whole wheat flat bread with mustard When I eat the eggs i add hot pepper flakes to them and do them in the microwave
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I like to eat a small breakfast of oatmeal and fruit right when I first get up, and then another small one a few hours later. That's just how I roll, because I wake up famished.

    But it's a total myth how eating breakfast will somehow kick-start your metabolism and let you burn more calories for the day. If you're not hungry, why should you eat? It doesn't make sense to not follow your body's cues, just because someone tells you that those cues are wrong, for some reason. My boyfriend doesn't eat breakfast, and he's as skinny as a rail. So obviously his metabolism is fine, though apparently it shouldn't be, since he skips breakfast every day.
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    For everyone who says they hate oatmeal, I am wondering if they have ever had steel cut oats, or groats? It is a completely different texture and somewhat chewy. Not at all like instant or rolled oats. I love for breakfast or lunch, 1.5 servings of steel cut oats, with 1/3 of chopped apple, 15 grams chopped walnuts, and 1 teaspoon cinnamon mixed in. Delicious! :-)
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    For everyone who says they hate oatmeal, I am wondering if they have ever had steel cut oats, or groats? It is a completely different texture and somewhat chewy. Not at all like instant or rolled oats. I love for breakfast or lunch, 1.5 servings of steel cut oats, with 1/3 of chopped apple, 15 grams chopped walnuts, and 1 teaspoon cinnamon mixed in. Delicious! :-)

    I always hated oatmeal until the last year or two. Then I realized that I just hate microwaved oatmeal. For some reason, it is extra sticky, grainy, and has a funny texture when the microwaved is involved. I think it is because it is unevenly heated.

    I eat either the old fashioned oats at home or the instant stuff at work. At work, we have a hot water dispenser next to the coffee maker and it makes the oatmeal come out pretty good. At home, I prefer the old fashioned kind to instant because I think it has more fiber. (I could be wrong though.) I heat up the water on the stove to boiling and then I add the oats. Throw in a spoonful of cinnamon or berries and it is so delish!

    Some instant oatmeals are gross though. It depends on what brand and what flavor. The kind that say "peaches and cream" almost always have non-dairy creamer in it, which I think is disgusting. If you want a creamy texture to your oatmeal, throw some real yogurt in it.

    So yes, oatmeal can be very nasty. It can also be tasty. It just depends on how it is made and what is mixed in it. By itself it is flavorless, but it does wonderful things for my digestive system.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I think the hardest thing for me about breakfast is what to eat that doesn't need a lot or any preparation. I have trouble sleeping at night (no sleeping pill, prescription or over the counter can touch it) and I have to take my morning medication before a certain hour so I'm up fairly early, groggy, and just want something to shove in my mouth, drink down with water, and return to bed. I ate one particular granola bar for two months straight and ended up getting sick of them. I was eating clementines I peeled before bed, but the season's pretty much ended on them. I don't like cereal and I don't really care for oatmeal of any kind, instant or not, so it leaves me with few options that aren't a million calories and can keep me full until lunch.
  • kayhatlen
    I don't like to get up in the morning so on weekdays here's my breakfast: Muscle Milk Light shake. I can grab it and drink on the way to work. If I'm hungry I add a piece of fruit or part of a Kashi GOLEAN bar.

    On weekends I'll have other things like yogurt and fruit, toast w/peanut butter, cereal, eggs, etc. If I eat a huge breakfast I usually won't be very hungry for lunch. This is what works for me. Hope you find a good variety of ideas from all these replies to your post. :)
  • alorick
    alorick Posts: 194
    Breakfast is my favorite! I don't change it up much, but I'm perfectly content with what I eat and I'm sure I'll change it up if I get bored.

    Usually, I'll have an egg white omelet. 1 whole egg, 3 egg whites, spinach, mushrooms and 1/2 oz of cheese.

    Or, I'll do 1 whole egg with 3 egg whites, spinach, turkey sausage, and fruit (usually strawberries or pineapple)
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    Then allow yourself (1) donate w/ a protein shake one morning. Everything in moderation.
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    most days i dont eat breakfast. :P

    when i do, its usually eggs/sausage or oat meal/protein shake. :3
  • mrschappet
    mrschappet Posts: 488 Member
    breakfast is my easiest meal.... oatmeal and fruit every morning every day :-)
  • clarkane8
    clarkane8 Posts: 78 Member
    I am not big on breakfast type foods, so I have non traditional type foods for breakfast a lot. Sometimes oatmeal, and sometimes I will just do a raw veggie bowl, then sometimes I may even have chilli for breakfast. As long as it is low calorie and fits within my calorie count I don't care. My coworkers look at me like I have five heads sometimes, but the most important thing is that I am "eating breakfast".
  • 2012newbie
    2012newbie Posts: 88 Member
    I love bacon and eggs or sausage but if I have it, it's usually at dinner time or when I'm off work for more of a brunch, and that
    keeps me full til dinner time when I do that. I never eat toast with it. Omelets are also great, with guacamole, cheese, and salsa.
    My usual breakfast that I have in a rush on days I'm working is 2 slices of sara lee whole grain 45 calorie bread, one slice of that thin 30 calorie deli ham, and either garden cream cheese or green onion and chives cream cheese on the toast. I make it like a breakfast sandwich, about 200 calories for breakfast 5 days a week is pretty good, and it is very satisfying for me, too.
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    I have always loved carbs for breakfast... Bagels, muffins, cakes, pancakes, waffles, french toast... LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THEM ALL!!!! That is probably how I became overweight in the first place....

    I have found that I can eat anything I want, but limit myself to much smaller portions.

    It is perfectly okay to eat a whole grain pancake with berries and bananas and a glass of skim or 1% milk.
    or even NutriGrain Lowfat Waffles with some berries and a yogurt...
    Quaker Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Breakfast cookies are good and fill me up for hours too...

    The key is to eat smaller portions of the grains - very little refined sugar and try to include some protien and fill up on your fruit or vegetables.

    Don't make yourself miserable. Eat sweet breakfasts sometimes... Just know that you will need to eat healthier the rest of the day.
  • BettyIW
    BettyIW Posts: 103
    Recently I tried a new breakfast item because I do want and need variety in my meals. I made a bowl of 'Bob's Red Mill Old Country Style Muesli.' You can make it either cold or hot. A serving is 1/4 cup of dry Muesli added to 1/2 cup of juice, milk or yogurt. I've been using orange juice with pulp and my body is loving Museli. Museli is a blend whole grain wheat, date crumbles, sunflower seeds, raisins, whole grain rye, whole grain barley, whole grain oats, whole grain tritcale, flaxseed, almonds and walnuts. I love the stuff. My husband does too.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    2 egg scrabble with turkey sausage, tomatoes and spinach
    Grits and sausage
    Hard boiled eggs and bacon
    Cheerios w/ blueberries
    Oatmeal w/ honey and blueberries
    Kashi multigrain frozen waffles and a mixture of berries and honey as a topping
    While wheat toast w/ peanut butter and a banana

    That is all I have for now
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    I agree, breakfast is hard-but I've been getting better with it over the past 4 months. I hypothesize one difference between breakfast eaters and non-eaters is the fact that some people wake up starving and other wake up NOT hungry at all. I find that when I eat a very light dinner, then I wake up starving and can't wait to eat. When I eat a heavier dinner, then the next morning I don't really want breakfast for a few hours-this is especially true on the weekends.

    Anyhoo-I try to mix it up because I am not a big fan of breakfast foods. I will bake a biscuit and add 2 pieces bacon and one slice reduced fat cheese. That is yummy. Sometimes I just drink a tall glass of chocolate milk (made with skim milk and reduced sugar nestle quick). Sometimes, the easiest for the sweet tooth is a granola bar like the Kashi one with the coconut and dark chocolate-YUM! Other days-an apple or banana will do with a reduced fat cheese stick. During the summer, I make a lot of fruit smoothies.

    Breakfast foods I am not big on: eggs, any way what so ever. Every now and again-I'll get a wild hair up my you know what and make 2 eggs, then half way through I remember why I should have only made one. I do not like yogurt very much. Oatmeal is disgusting. I eat cereal-but only like sugary kinds and eat them as desserts instead of breakfast.

    Breakfast I love: biscuits and gravy. Can't eat this too often-but it is SO good! I also LOVE cinnamon rolls. OMG the are the best-I never get them any more unless I have company and know that I will only eat 2 (instead of the whole can). The same goes for donuts and cheese danishes. Blueberry muffins are the BEST. Again-I only eat these in social settings where I can eat ONE.

    Okay-hope that gives some ideas for you!

    OMG I love biscuits with sausage gravy but the sodium is through the roof. I gave up bread for lent so none for me right now :.-(
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    nope. :laugh:
  • cgray
    cgray Posts: 132 Member
    I like nutrition bars first thing in the morning. I WAS eating candy bars for breakfast but for some reason my doctor frowned upon that. Met-rx bars pack a lot of protein, Clif bars give you that sugar fix, Power bars taste good...if I HAVE TO eat then I want it to taste good and be very little work.