Nike Fuel Band



  • Padmo
    Padmo Posts: 89 Member
    Did you try a reset of the fuelband? Also, is your Nike software on your computer updated? I just got mine and had to do a firmware upgrade when I plugged it in.
  • ajp913
    ajp913 Posts: 100 Member
    I want something that accurately logs my calories burned... does the fuelband do that? I get confused with some of these products. Some just seem to be heart rate monitors and some seem to be pedometers... I want to be able to look and see how many calories i've burned at any given point in a day...
  • looking4lisa
    looking4lisa Posts: 36 Member
    From what I can tell mine shows the calories burned after my resting cals...not the total for the day, so basically extra cals. That's fine for me because I'm using it to motivate my hiney to move. I set mine at 3000 the first day and it's ADDICTIVE. I find myself pushing to hit that by's like a trainer on my wrist...I'm weird like that lol. For the above poster questiioning the Jawbone up, I also owned (notice the owned) I LOVED it, butttttt unfortunately, after the 2nd charge it died. Now that being said, the company was amazing in taking care of me, but the product just couldn't keep up. I've also had the fitbit, and bodymedia fit core, both good products, but this fits my personality better. To me personally, even though the NIke product was more money, it is WELL worth it. I love the bluetooth capability, love that all I have to do is hit a button to see where I am. All in all this fuel band is great for me :smile:
  • ryanpm6774
    ryanpm6774 Posts: 2 Member
    Does anyone know when they are going to release software for android or (dare I say it) Blackberry. Yes I still have a blackberry and I love the Fuel Band and the Desktop software I just wish I had the phone app to match.
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    Just bought one today, hopefully will be here by next week :)
  • schlagers
    schlagers Posts: 58
    I want something that accurately logs my calories burned... does the fuelband do that? I get confused with some of these products. Some just seem to be heart rate monitors and some seem to be pedometers... I want to be able to look and see how many calories i've burned at any given point in a day...

    Right now I'm using the Polar FT7. It accurately takes my heart rate and tells me how many calories I've burned. Not sure if you'd want to wear the chest strap all day, but I've heard the chest strap is the most accurate way to take your HR.
  • karnidge
    karnidge Posts: 3
    I ordered a Nike+ fuelband a few days ago, it's supposed to arrive in a few days. I am really looking forward to it. I go for walks during lunch time and never know how far i'm walking or how many calories I am really burning during the walk. I was hoping it would synch up with myfitnesspal somehow. I read fitbit will, and since I use myfitnesspal to track my calorie burn, that would certainly be a bonus. I never thought about tracking resting calories, like a few people mentioned in this thread. I currently track what I eat each day and my exercise, and use the totals myfitnesspal gives me to see where I am at each day. As long as I am under my goal, I'm happy. I think the fuelband will make exercising more fun and it looks really sweet.

    Im not sure how accurate BMR is anyhow. BMR calculators tell me that my BMR is 1650. I usually eat 1200 a day and then burn ~ 500 exercising, netting well under 1000. According to BMR I should be eating 1650 + 500 = 2150 a day. Ya, not. Who eats 2100+ a day and still says they are eating healthy?
  • hsk1019
    hsk1019 Posts: 235 Member
    I've got my fuel band. I love it! It's a visual reminder to stay active and a motivation to get up and take a walk during the workday. Totally worth it!
  • Tonyv01
    Tonyv01 Posts: 56 Member
    Anyone been using one? Looking for feedback / review, thanks
  • MissyGorman2012
    Had one for a couple of days and once the novelty wore off, I didn't find it to be worth the $150 price tag.
  • fallser
    fallser Posts: 14
    I love mine & really feel it's worth the price. I set my goal at 3000 daily and it doesn't let me fool myself into thinking I'm more active than I really am. At the end of the day, if I'm at 1700 or 2300 or whatever, I get on my treadmill or out for a walk or run just to make sure I hit 3000 or more. I am competitive with myself and like my streak of reaching 3000+/day to go on and on.

    I don't know what to make of the calories it calculates. I assume the calories it calculates are based only on the activity formula that calculates the fuel (based on movement). So I don't rely on that or the steps calculator.

    One important thing for people who have expressed concern about wrist movement vs. body movement - I have put the band on my shoelaces when I've gone for a bike ride and the fuel points it tallies are the same as when I have worn it on my wrist for the same biking distance, so somehow it knows you're moving.

    If you need extra motivation to move at the end of the day and/or if you're at risk for giving yourself credit for being active when you really haven't been, then the FuelBand is a great reality check.
  • azizalhulaibi
    my S/N: azizero
    add me please :)
  • baroqueviolin
    Love mine! I have a 10,000 step/day goal plus a 3000 fuel point goal.... this keeps my goals at the front of my thoughts and I find myself doing little extra things just to push the numbers higher. I wish I could sync it somehow with MFP.... but all-in-all, I think it's a great investment.
  • lcassesa
    lcassesa Posts: 2 Member
    i absolutely love mine. I set it to 4000 Nike Fuel per day and try my hardest to reach my goal. On days i don't reach the goal i'm disappointed. In no way is the calories burned or steps accurate b/c it's only using your arm movement to calculate points. I used in a spin class and it said i earned hardly anything b/c of the lack of arm movement. I also love it b/c i can compete with my friends. I think that's my biggest motivator!!!! I would recommend.. however if you are more interested in accurate calories burned then get heart rate monitor with strap.
  • chelchel02
    chelchel02 Posts: 2
    Add me: Meechy Brown. Thanks