Weight Watchers v MFP



  • AleksD3
    AleksD3 Posts: 194 Member
    I end up eating more food on MFP than WW which messes me up.

    I always seem to eat healther with WW as well, probably because I can check off things like healthy oils and vitamins on the website. I guess for now I need things to be easier and figuring out points doesn't sound like it would be easier but it works for me.

    Maybe it's because points are like a game :laugh: and I can still keep track of nutrients on here.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Hi, is there anyone doing WW's and MFP and if so which one do you think is working better for you? I know MFP is free but I'm thinking that joining WW's will motivate me more since I'll be paying for it. Any advice will be helpful, thanks!

    You can pay me half the amount of WW and just use MFP, that way you save 1/2 the money, and I get some $. JK
  • lkwalker71
    lkwalker71 Posts: 131 Member
    I did WW in the past, lost 52 pounds but gained it all back plus more. When I did WW, I lost the weight alot faster than I have on MFP. My husband said he thinks MFP is much better as I am losing like I should be. I enjoyed WW but I find I am more accountable on here and I pay closer attention to calories that I did with WW. I am enjoying MFP much better.
  • cathyAprice
    I'm so picky, I had a hard time finding things to eat and the things I did like (and were healthy) had more points that I was comfortable with...but I followed it for two months and gained 1 lb -- now I just "google" healthy meal plans and with that, Shakeology and exercise, I'm losing weight. WW is great for many people but I wasn't one of them
  • AleksD3
    AleksD3 Posts: 194 Member
    Frankly I would love to just do MFP. I'm working on both with WW in the lead and hoping that by the time my WW membership runs out in May I won't need it anymore.

    I put everything I track form WW into MFP to try and figure out what I'm doing differently and why one is working better than the other.

    I consider it research lol.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    is it hard figuring out what you are eating is how many point? not sure if i should change myself up to that or stick with this? i have struggled my entire time to loose...

    WW sells a calculator that figures the points in foods when you enter the nutritional information. I did WW along with MFP last year. I am doing better with just MFP at this time.
  • Ruthaw1961
    Ruthaw1961 Posts: 42 Member
    I also have used WW in the past. I prefer looking at the Ratios of Carb/Fat/Protein and balancing them in a way that works best for my metabolism. With "Points" you could not do that.

    IMO, WW is a great starting point but, as you learn more about nutrition and portion control, the info becomes so repetitive. I also do not like the way Activity Points are earned. I do not think WW is designed for the active, fitness minded individual. Too much emphesis in the number on the scale...
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I do both. I love both. My problem is completely me. Both seem to work great, but I just can't stay motivated enough to get anywhere. I've been on WW since Nov, and have lost 10 lbs, most of which was in the first 6 weeks, but I eat way too much, don't track everything, and fudge on the working out. SO... it's my own fault. What I've been doing is tracking on MFP first, then adding up the points for the meal totals for WW. Hopefully, I'm going to stay motivated this time!
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I am doing both... I lost over 100 pounds with WW, but stalled (and then gained) when they went to PointsPlus. So someone on the WW message boards suggested counting calories along with following the Good Health Guidelines suggested by WW... and it worked! I figured out I was eating too much on the new WW program and since then I have been counting calories instead of points.

    I love WW because it taught me a lot about eating healthy and getting moving. And I know if it wasn't for the meetings (and my most awesome WW leader), I would have given up when I hit a spot in my life where I started gaining weight (going through family drama and still hadn't dealt with my emotional eating issues). But the leader and the members kept encouraging me to stick with it and continue with the meetings... and I did... and eventually I got past the drama in my life and got back on track.

    Would I recommend WW? Yes, I would, because I had a lot of success with it. Is it for everyone? Nope... I believe everyone has to find the weight loss program that fits them. But once you find the thing that works, stick with it... through the good and the bad. I always tell people that, "the program only works, if you work the program." And that pretty much applies to any weight loss program.

    Good luck with whatever you decide! :smile:
  • jamccurdy
    jamccurdy Posts: 4 Member
    Both work well, I've done weight watchers for years, but I always slide back because I hate figuring points. MFP works better for me because you just put in the food, put in the exercise and it does the calculations for you. I had a harder time with WW especially when I would go out to eat. Yes, DWLZ would help with the restaurants, but MFP shows more meals at the restaurants. If you have never done WW, the meetings are worth it because they do give you ideas and ways to cut the points, but after a certain amount of time, it's the same thing over and over. Hope this helps.:smile:
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 184 Member
    Like many of you, i am also on WW (online) and MFP. I use the mobile apps sooo much. My membership on WW lasts until like April 4. I may renew, not sure yet. I love the online support here on MFP!
    One difference that makes me like MFP better is that it tracks my calories, sugar/carb/sodium/fiber/protein intake. I especially like to be able to track that info. WW has a scanner for the iPhone just like MFP, but most the times, the food is not in their database, but usually always in MFP.

    What is the group here that uses both??
  • AleksD3
    AleksD3 Posts: 194 Member
    Go into the "groups" section toward the top of the page and put "weight watchers" into the search area. I think there are a couple.
  • AleksD3
    AleksD3 Posts: 194 Member
    "So someone on the WW message boards suggested counting calories along with following the Good Health Guidelines suggested by WW... and it worked! "

    This exactly what I need to do. Use MFP while including all the WW's GHGs.
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    I was joined WW online and started MFP at the same time... MFP is musch better for the food database...
    I always had probelms with WW site taking forever to load and then not having even basic food in their database.
    So, I just donated $50 to them... dropped the WW and kept up with MFP.
    When I was doing them together for that first week... the points and the calories here matched up pretty closely.
    It's the same principle.... they give you extra points for your workout... ie... extra calories to eat if you want.
    I honestly would't waste my $ now the I found this. Its much more user friendly... and you have a GREAT support system you can build here.
    Which reminds me ... I need to cancel the WW deal.