Finish line! Progress with pics

Yesterday I hit my goal of 185lbs! When I started this journey I never thought it would be possible, but I just gave myself the push to get through one day, then one week, then one month and before I knew it I was into month 3. I have been steadily going to the gym since late August 2011 and although I dont go as much as I did when I first started (was going every day), I still go 3 times a week and have very effective workouts.

Everyone knows when they feel like crap, overweight and out of shape. You hate to look at yourself in the mirror and dread looking at pictures. This was my "bad photo" (Oct 2010) where I knew something needed to be done (215lbs):


I hate looking at that picture, and it took me alot to post it here.....well I knew something needed to be done but couldn't get enough motivation to do so. I ate a little better, but never bothered with physical exercise for whatever reason. I had signed up for a gym pass before, but never bothered to go. Decided enough was enough, thanks to some family motivation I signed up for a trial pass. I decided to go cold turkey on fast and processed foods, and took enjoyment with cooking my own meals.

The hardest part of this journey was late last year where I hit a plateau, I also burned myself out by over exercising and under eating. I lost 20 pounds really quick at the start, I guess I expected to keep going that road and thanks to some posts here realized I needed to make some changes. Actually took a few days of over indulging and cutting workouts back before I was able to break the plateau. Learned that you have to allow yourself some "bad foods" now and then but you just have to moderate it. I also devised a fitness plan and cut my workouts back to 3 times/week, but find overall they are more effective.

I dont find myself logging foods like I used to, but my journal here has helped me realize where my various counts are without having to track them. The mobile app really helped me keep track.

This was me a few weeks ago at my sons birthday party:

And this is me yesterday, 184.6lbs and 17% BF:

I have adjusted my goals a bit (new goal 175lbs), ideally I would like to be under 15% BF because I still see a bit of chub around. Have to say losing belly fat is one of the hardest goals I have ever attempted!

Anyways, just wanted to give some tips for anyone that is discouraged out there to not give up and keep going! MFP has helped me with this life changing experience and I am greatful for it!


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