

  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    my last day is @#$%ing like May 23-ish or so. I hate getting out so late.
  • cjm0014
    cjm0014 Posts: 118
    ah yes. feel your frustration and stress! i need to be studying right NOW but am on mfp instead. i love that we have a college group of us on here though, its comforting :happy: good luck everybody!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I start next week! :happy: This weekend I got a cold that knocked me on my *kitten*! I couldn't even walk to the bathroom Saturday, and I slept for close to 16 HOURS :noway: I didn't even have much congestion, just a really bad sore throat and incredible fatigue. I worked out early Sat morning before it hit me, then Sunday I felt almost better and went and played putt-putt. I even managed to clean my apartment and do a big powerpoint on hantavirus. Now all I have left is a quiz this week!! :bigsmile: One of my exams is take-home (epidemiology) and I have a cumulative chemistry exam and an easy nutrition exam, plus I have to present the ppt (but that's no big deal). I had a pretty good strength day today so I'm feeling about 90% better. I am eating maintenance for now so I can get better quick. Feels good. :smile:
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    It's may! :love: two more weeks and classes are over! :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Everyone still alive?

    I switched to maintaining, but decided that was bullpoop, so I'm on 1 pound. SOOOO much easier than 2 pounds! I love it!

    thus, only a month off of schedule, i reached 149 - my halfway point and goodbye 150s!

    I'll swap back to 2 pounds starting end of may/beginning of june when i'm all moved out and life has a schedule again.
  • Papaya81
    Papaya81 Posts: 90 Member
    Zara, totally can sympathize with you. I finished up about two weeks ago and it was awful. Now i am interning and I haven't even had a week before i went from finals to work, but i am finally getting myself situated....

    Finals week are the only time frame where i really just don't eat and its not because of any "study drugs" i just distract myself with studying and being in the library.

    You have done soooo well losing 24 lbs....whats the secret. Its nice to have few college students on here because obviously we are at the same phases at our life....any inspiring thoughts or tips?
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Zara, totally can sympathize with you. I finished up about two weeks ago and it was awful. Now i am interning and I haven't even had a week before i went from finals to work, but i am finally getting myself situated....

    Finals week are the only time frame where i really just don't eat and its not because of any "study drugs" i just distract myself with studying and being in the library.

    You have done soooo well losing 24 lbs....whats the secret. Its nice to have few college students on here because obviously we are at the same phases at our life....any inspiring thoughts or tips?

    Er - that's the funny thing. I have no secret. I see people who have lost 40, 50, 60 pounds, and I want to know THEIR secret.

    But tips - some off the top of my head: 1. tell everyone around you, people can be very supportive. 2. LOG IN YOUR FOOD. For example: I just licked off icing off of a cupcake, but because no one saw me, I wasn't going to log it. Wronggg. I'll log it, now :laugh: 3. Take walks, take the stairs, etc. exercise does an amazing job. 4. If you're really hungry, EAT. Healthily, though. It's not about starvation. 5. Mess up? Start again. If I'd kept on track, I would have been around 34 pounds down. Buttttt I'll get there eventually. 6. BLOG. It feels great. I can be as self-centered as I want, and it feels great to get it out. 7. Treat yourself to non-food gifts! 8. waterwaterveggiesfruitwaterwaterportioncontrol. 9. When eating out, split a dish, get half to go, or order an appetizer versus and entre. 10. pre-log your meals.

    Oh, god, there are tons. Everyone - if you're reading this, add at least 5 tips of your own, no matter how random!