My story!

I am 5'5 and about 134 pounds, but pretty toned. I have been doing cardio daily for over 3 years, more or less. 2 years ago, I was almost 100 pounds --- too thin!. That weight loss was fueled by exercise and clean, well-portioned meals, but it went on for too long. I was only 124 pounds to begin with. Then I got a serious back injury in 2010, followed by a desk job, and began gaining weight really quickly. Within three months I had gained probably 20 pounds, and a couple months later, I was nearly 10 pounds over my starting weight of 124. I got back down to 126 lbs over a couple months in 2011 using this program after I got engaged. Kept it off all summer. Gained it back in a couple of weeks on my Honeymoon and over the holidays, and now, in 2012, I'm more than I have ever been at 134 lbs.

I have a big problem with snacking at night and waking up to eat! I could slash 600 to 1000 calories from my diet if I could just stop. It hasn't been simple at all. And I'm honestly addicted to fruit. Seriously.

I am in really good shape so I look fine. I am training for a half-marathon. I wear a 2 or a 4. But I know my body is not where it wants to be, I feel myself lagging from poor nutrition and those extra pounds that slow me down on the 7th or 8th mile.

I need some support and some folks who feel the same!


  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    Sounds like your doing well, I know when I add protein to my diet (in any form) my snacking urges go way down. I do love cheese and oranges though. I started adding nuts to my diet on the advice of friends and that seems to work and I've been working out later in the evening after my hubby is home and the kids are in bed, so that when I get home I just go to bed.

    I love fruit and veggies too! I rarely crave chips or sweets... cheese and bread they are a challange.