fat and politics.



  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    how come?
    Misunderstood your first post amd wasn't sure if you were hinting that she isn't a tiny barbie doll. I like her campaign for encouraging kids (and everyone else) to get up and move and eat a healthier diet.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    Quote : Savage, You need to stop watching Fox "news". Czars have been around since Regan. Bush actually had more than Obama. We do get oil from Canada. The healthcare bit is only a fiasco to the GOP. Most people LIKE that they can keep their kids on their policy until they are 26 or that gays can have policies for their partners at many corporations/government institutions.

    I actually seldom watch any news show not really having the time but the local CBS affiliate in the morning and occasionally CNN which I think you might agree is a far cry from FOX. Czars actually date from FDR and I never said other Presidents didn't have them but President Obama takes the prize with 38 compared with President Bush who had 33 . I never said we didn't get oil from Canada either but the amount could and would be greatly increased with the proposed pipeline and middle-eastern dependence in this climate of weak kneed foreign policy is unacceptable . Whether most prefer the loss of freedoms associated with the Obamacare legislation remains to be seen at the next election and I think it would be a flat refutation of the policies of this
    administration if our current President is one term given the field of opponents the Republicans have fielded . In a time when we are going to have to make some unwanted tough decisions about the future of social security and medicare because of the fast and lose policies of Washington , the very last thing I personally want my government to administer is the healthcare for my aging parents , my special needs child , or myself as I grow past the time of "usefulness". I don't belong to a group that can be bought
    with political favors so I might really find myself in a tight spot . Yeah , I guess I would be interested in that cradle to grave Utopia that many think is available through all that "free" money from Washington if I wasn't out here busting my *kitten* helping to pay for all this foolishness already imposed over the last 100 years to prove how easy politicians can spend tax money . I didn't have time to get in line for the kool-aid.

    Regarding czars: http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/The-Truth-About-Czars
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._executive_branch_czars (yea, I know it's Wiki but it shows which President appointed how many czars. Bush didn't appoint as many as Obama but he quadrupled the number Clinton had. After those jobs were in place it only makes sense for Obama to fill them.

    Regarding healthcare, I don't care for the notion that people HAVE to have it. However, I like that better than me having to pay $20 for a bandaid to make up for all the people who don't have healthcare and can't and don't pay their bills or having to wait 3 hours in the ER with a deep vein thrombosis because it's full of people using it as a regular doctor's office and taking their kid there for an earache. As someone with a special needs child I'd think you'd also be glad that if you change jobs your child's condition won't be deemed "preexisting" and have him/her denied coverage also.

    My youngest had pneumonia when he was 1. He's had reactive airways since. That means that occasionally he needs medication to help him breathe, particularly when he's sick. I absolutely refused to ever let a doctor call it asthma though because I knew that if they did and my husband changed jobs/insurance our son would get screwed by the insurance company and would not be covered because asthma is a preexisting condition but occasional difficulties breathing when he's got a cold isn't.

    I do absolutely agree that politicians spend too much of our money far too easily and readily. But it's hardly something only Dems or Obama do/did. We had a balanced budget when Clinton left office. Bush annihilated that. Yes, 9/11 was a big part of it but 9/11 had nothing at all to do with Iraq. That war cost us billions and was completely unnecessary. If we had focused on Afghanistan we could have had Osama years ago and we'd probably be out of there today. I also think they should start the cutting at the top. Stop the no bid contracts, the lobbying deals, the Citizens United back room deals etc before you start pulling away insurance for an 85yo veteran. That's one thing I can't understand about the GOP. They are by and large pro lifers. Yet they don't seem to give a damn about lives of regular people who are already born. They care all about the fetus but not the mother, the siblings, the father, or the grandparents. Then once it is born it goes from an innocent who needs to be protected to a welfare leech who should be cut off and thrown out into the streets. I just don't get that sort of thinking.

    *Disclaimer - please excuse any rambling, misspelling, or weird tangents. I had surgery on Wednesday and am on Demerol now. In rereading it makes sense to me but I've already encountered a post of mine on another site that seemed to make perfect sense at the time but that I now know is practically illiterate. :laugh:
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    Actually I'm pretty sure Michelle Obama was put on the "Let's Move" campaign after she said things like, "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud to be an American," and other general flubs during Obama’s ’08 campaign. It's a positive (light) topic for the first lady.. I'm not sure why the Right is so concerned about it.. She's not trying to take away anyone's candy bar. However, I can't imagine that she has anything to do with the lack of excitement people are feeling in the political field right now...?

    I'd think there are many people here at MFP that don't find this a light topic....I'm a little ashamed I've wasted 30 years of my life not believing what my mirror was telling me....she has a national mouthpiece to keep others from making the same mistake..and there was a headline not long ago at townhall.com about her yes, taking away large candy bars.....a sign big government obama is in your life.....I'm curious-do you dislike her or disregard her for her statement? can you really not get beyond the sound bite to the essence of her words on "proud to be.....?" have you never known a black man who was stopped by police in a neighborhood he 'didn't belong in' simply because he was black? (my partner at the pharmacy I worked at (he'd been with the company longer and made more money than me) as well as the husband of a friend I work with)... 'other general flubs' is so generic.. not meaning to harp, but the obamas are a great team!
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    how do you combat mindless hate? what can you say? the repub candidates are AGAINST everything..... obama is implementing many republican ideas and THEY ARE SUDDENLY AGAINST THEM.. there is a severe lack of sense going on that I think is summed up in the anti-everything haters... so it's getting harder to hold my tongue. the world should be at least praising michele for taking on a worthy cause, not bashing her because she's a democrat. we have so lost our way....
    I was reading an article, wish I could remember where or who wrote it, but the opinion was that the republicans can't let the public think Obama can get bi-partisan support on things. If the public saw this, they'd give him a higher approval rating. Instead, they go against ANYTHING he says.

    Remember the dept ceiling fiasco? Obama was willing to put Social Security and Medicare reform on the table. What republican doesn't want that? Oh, wait, the current ones in the House. If they went along with that, it would appear the President was doing something right.

    Don't ever forget the words of Senate minority leader Mitch McConnelle: The single most important goal the republicans have is to make President Obama a 1 term president. Diss-agreeing with him, regardless of what he says, is part of their plan.

    I consider myself a moderate liberal. I have some conservative streaks inside of me that drive my wife nuts.

    great post.. if you remember the article, please post
  • mrlazy1967
    mrlazy1967 Posts: 285 Member
    I thought Michelle was his beard?