Hope for somoene who's losing hope?

Quick Stats. I am 28 year old Female, 5'2'', 170.8 this morning on the scale. Daily Calorie intake 1200w/out, 1500 with exercise. My heaviest was 188lbs. I lost that in the Summer of 2007, with very few issues. The weight came off, but I have been STUCK yo-yoing between 168-173lbs sever since. I cannot seem to get over the hump of 168.
In the Summer of 2009 DP bought me P90X, I was sitting at 177lbs. I shed 9lbs in the first month....well on my way to that fit body...but things happened. I got to 168, the weight stopped coming off and the scale started clibming upward.
The attempts at P90X continued with the same meager results.
Two weeks I decided to have another go at P90X ago. I have all the equipment, some of the time, and plenty of food. For two straight weeks I had a headache daily. I took some days off from working out, and what do you knwo the headache went away. I tried working out again last night, headache came back in 15 minutes.
Working out at the intensity P90X demands is out, I cannot live my head throbbing like that. I plan on visiting a doctor to discuss the issues I am having. I haven't ever had head aches like that before from working out. But I am truly at a loss of what to do?

I am curious if there's anyone who's been stuck and finally got over it? If there was anyone who'd finally broken the platue after year of being there?


  • Soozie1978
    Soozie1978 Posts: 138 Member
    I'm not a doctor, but I have experienced headaches when my blood sugar gets too low. I am a type 2 diabetic, but the lows can happen to other people as well. If you are doing an intense workout, maybe you need to have a snack before you start so you have enough energy to complete the workout - a piece of fruit and or some protein, and energy bar, or something that gives you the carbs you need to complete the workout. Definitely talk to your doctor, because it could be something serious. Good lluck.
  • Wow soozie. You and I were thinking the same thing. I was stuck at 220 to 215. No matter what I tried the weight kept climbing. I talked to an endocrinologist and he thought it was my sugar. He put me on a injection every morning called victoza and that helped for me. I think either your blood sugar is low or when you exercise your blood pressure is increasing to a very high rate. High bp can cause headaches as well. Do you ever feel like you are going to faint? Do to where a heart rate monitor? Maybe your heart rate is climbing to high when you exercise. I would diff see a dr and discuss it. It's always a good thing to discuss new programs with a physician any way.
  • DeniseB0711
    DeniseB0711 Posts: 294 Member
    I was thinking Sugar or BP. Either one would suprise me. I dont'have a hrm, but I sure wish I did. I also wish I had a blood glucose monitor.
  • garp4
    garp4 Posts: 59 Member
    I would also suggest seeing a chiropractor. Could be something as simple as when you work out something is getting pinched.
  • richelliott1
    richelliott1 Posts: 27 Member
    I used to suffer with exercise headaches but it turned out it was more through dehydration and not breathing when doing weight training.

    Check your drinking enough water and look at doing some sort of interval training where you can keep your heart rate at a steady rate for long periods of time.
  • CMcBryer
    CMcBryer Posts: 139 Member
    Your best bet is to consult with a Doctor and see what s/he says and you are already doing that. Good luck! I hope they can figure it out and get you back on track.
  • Maybe you are gaining muscle through P90X. As for the headaches, I understand how that is since I suffer from month long migraines and have to adapt to them. While you have a headache you may want to do meditation to relax your body or even stretches. If it is a tension headache then the stretching will help.
    You may want to try something less intense like walking or riding a bike.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    If you're stuck, do something different. Walking is great exercise and you can do it for free, anywhere. You can even do interval training with walking.

    Jumping rope is also good and challenging.

    I agree with those who say you check out the headaches with your doctor.
  • redmessenger
    redmessenger Posts: 31 Member
    Is your calories a good balance? Make sure you get an even amount of Carbs and Proteins and fats. Too much of one and not enough of another could cause your body to react negatively when doing strenuous excersise like P90X. Start more with walking or bicycling and work your way up to a P90X Program. To me sounds like you are not eating enough. I think 1500 calories are more in line without excersise.
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    Making sure you are drinking enough water would definitely be step one... followed by a discussion with your Dr.
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I plugged your stats into the BMR calculator on this site, and it came back with 1459 calories / day. You might want to try bumping up your food intake a little bit so you're eating at least your BMR calories (after exercise) and see how your body reacts. I'm having a similar problem after following a meal plan prescribed by my physician that is for 2400 calories/day (my BMR, according to the site, is about 2550). I'm trying to address it by adding a "cheat day" to keep the metabolism working, but I won't really know if that's working for me for another couple of weeks.
  • DeniseB0711
    DeniseB0711 Posts: 294 Member
    I plugged your stats into the BMR calculator on this site, and it came back with 1459 calories / day. You might want to try bumping up your food intake a little bit so you're eating at least your BMR calories (after exercise) and see how your body reacts. I'm having a similar problem after following a meal plan prescribed by my physician that is for 2400 calories/day (my BMR, according to the site, is about 2550). I'm trying to address it by adding a "cheat day" to keep the metabolism working, but I won't really know if that's working for me for another couple of weeks.

    Actually, That's about what I eat even though I "Aim" for 1200. Realistically, once I had a bite or five of what ever I am cooking, or tha quick dip in the chip bag, or that fist full of nuts...I am right on track. I read somewhere that a bite of most food is roughly 50-60 calories....toss the fact I have an spring scale

    As for water, I have started drinking 8 "glasses" of water a day after coffee.

    But truly, I will be going to see a doctor. Its not like me to have headaches. Hopefully I'll have answers soon.
  • DeniseB0711
    DeniseB0711 Posts: 294 Member
    I started P90X this go around with cutting back my morning coffee, and only drinking water. No Tea, No Extra cups of coffee. keep in mind that I had been drinking up to 4 cups of coffee a day for years....at least a decade. This is important. My OP was about terrible unforgiving headaches that went on for days.

    Yesterday, I wasn't feeling so great physically. I was tired even though I had 12 hours of sleep, I was feverish and had a sore throat. I had my old 3 cups of coffee....and NO HEADACHE..no need to take 2 asprin by 5PM.

    I still plan to go to the doctor because I am concerned about the serverity of the headaches.

    In other news, I stepped on the scale this morning and was under 170, it would seem that instead of going up to 174 and back to 171..I am bouncing between 168 and 171.

    Denise (feeling a little hopeful)