Women P90X



  • ntillberg
    ntillberg Posts: 26 Member
    was wondering how to log the exercise here in the diary. thanks for the tip sarahc001. I'm going to check for an app.
  • heilmanjamie
    I did it after my first child was born and did the classic version. I lost a total of 57lbs! Granted I was not doing the exercises exactly as they were, I modified them until I could do as best as I could. I still got results! I am currently doing it again now. I hope to lose a total of 75 lbs, and I have already lost 21!! I have been debating getting the 10 minute trainer though, because with two kids, and a full-time class schedule for college, I find it hard having enough energy to do the full hour and sometimes over an hour exercises.. has anyone tried it? If so, can you compare it to P90X at all? Thanks all! And feel free to add me for encouragement and helpful advice when needed! :]
  • scottanthonyholmes
    scottanthonyholmes Posts: 23 Member
    My wife got amazing results doing P90X classic version. She didn't get too buff, but as her husband I have to say that. We are doing P90X2 now. I am blogging my way through it. You can check her results out at www.CoachCrystalsPadawan.wordpress.com if you want. Her picture is on my blog, but mine isn't. Now you know why she is the coach. haha.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    I'm doing Power 90 5x/week, and I'm loving the results! I can only imagine what kind of results the ladies doing P90X must be having.
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hi! I'm on Day 85 of the lean program on P90x...so success is near! I love it! I have been maintaining, so didn't have any weight to lose, just wanted to gain strength. I'm not sure of my results yet....at 30 days I saw no visible difference. Or at 60. But will take pictures next week and see then. Regardless, I was really just looking for something different to accomplish and commit to....and am so glad I did because I love the workouts and feel super-strong because of them.

    I am thinking when I'm done next week I'll sign on to another month, maybe of the classic program, and then when the weather gets better, I may kind of weave it in with some outdoor stuff.

    As for choosing "lean". Well, I never thought Cardio X was all that challenging, and in the last few weeks have switched out the plyometrics. I wish I did that sooner. But other than that, it was great.

    Good luck! If you want to add me for support, please do!
  • azbutterfly1324
    azbutterfly1324 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm on day 61 of P90x -- beginning of Phase III. I'm doing the Lean schedule. This is the first time I've made it this far. I started a couple other times, but something always happened that derailed me.

    My results have been good, but would be better if I worked harder on proper nutrition. I've lost about 7 pounds total, but over 18". I've lost almost 4" in my waist, 4" in my chest and a little bit everywhere else. If you haven't already taken your measurements, DO IT! I took my 60 days pics today and I was happy w/ the changes I'm seeing. I wasn't as happy at 30 days. I had been working so hard and expected to see better results, but it takes time!

    Several people at my work do all the BeachBody workouts and they have all told me that they saw the biggest results in Phase 3 of P90x. I'm hoping --- I have changed up my diet for this phase. Added at least one protein shake daily (typically post workout) and am tracking religiously again.

    Good luck! Stick with it and you will see results too!
  • cdl8
    cdl8 Posts: 164 Member
    I'm currently on week 5 of the classic version. Lost 2lbs and 2 inches so far. Can feel an incredible difference in my body though so I'm excited to see day 90 results.
  • kharrigal
    My boyfriend and I are starting P90X tomorrow in preparation for the summer. I have been training for a 5k for the past 2 months and have lost approximately 5 lbs but I'm now hitting wall. I have about 7 weeks until my first 5k. I plan on doing P90X and also incorporating my running training about 4 times a week. I have started P90X before and have only really lasted about 3 weeks. I def saw some results but I was awful at following the nutrition plan. I am going to work on following the plan well and getting my workouts done.

    Great job to all you ladies who are doing it and seeing results!! I wish everyone luck!!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member

    Several people at my work do all the BeachBody workouts and they have all told me that they saw the biggest results in Phase 3 of P90x. I'm hoping --- I have changed up my diet for this phase. Added at least one protein shake daily (typically post workout) and am tracking religiously again.

    I have been hearing the same thing along the way as well . And I also became a little bit more serious about eating better this last month. I always eat well, but unfortunately I started right after Thanksgiving and had Xmas and New Years in my first phase. I still can't bring myself to substitute good whole foods for supplements and recovery drinks--the only part of the program I could live w/out (where he mentions it at the end of the workouts....).

    I will be at day 90 on Thursday and am so psyched! But, am already planning on doing 1 more month, but of classic.

    Just wondering what some of you think, and if any of you have experience with a 2nd round. I'm trying to decide if I should delve right into it w/out a break, or if I should take a week to do other things just for a little downtime. Also, If I'm signing on to only 1 more month (as of now at least), do I do Classic phase 1? Or do I do classic phase 3 (sort of like a 4th phase of my first round). Any advice or input would be great.

    Good luck to everyone!