Putting Myself First

Good Day All,

I wanted to introduce myself here, because I plan on getting involved with the forums.

I'm a 24 year old man, living in Canada. I'm an Army officer, so you'd think my fitness would be top notch... well, historically I have been in good shape. But over the last year and a half, after taking some very academically-oriented courses, beginning a part-time MA program, and working frequently crazy hours, something has slipped. That something was my fitness/health. Yes, as many people do, I put my career ahead of myself, and I am not going to let 20 years go by before I realize it!

I know the way I have been living is not acceptable, and I am surprised my girlfriend hasn't said anything about the fact I've put on about 20 pounds since we've been dating, especially since she's in as good as shape as ever... well now I want her to say something, I want her to say, "Wow!"

MFP offers the structure I need to achieve my goal: I want to obtain a civilian freefall parachute license this summer, which I could do if I was out of shape, but that license is going to enable me to try out for the Army's parachute demonstration team, and I absolutely cannot do that if I don't start holding myself accountable now.

Tryouts are in 324 days. Whatever it takes!