Back where I started..... with extra

Ok, so February 3,2012 the Weight Watchers (WW) lady came to my job. I joined in competition with myself to try to maintain and lose the last couple of pounds to reach my goal of 147lbs. My starting weight for WW was 154lbs. The rep comes every Thursday and needless to say I am at 165lbs now. I really can shake those cravings they come on entirely too strong. I was facing a change in my routine starting my Master's program and have been eating ALL the wrong things in more than 1 proportion. I really need help getting back on track. I was doing so well. Now I have to work harder to get the weight that i gained off plus more to reach my goal weight of 147lbs. Throughout the day I eat good and at night wow, you all know what happens. Any help is appreciated, my weakness is chocolate Krispy Kreme Doughnuts.