
I go by Blue,

I started at 205 and am now 177! I've been apart of myfitnesspal.com for a while now, but now i want to take it a step farther.

I would love to get to know some people and have a more founded support network of like minded friends who are struggling just as I am.

Anyone is welcome, I can't weight to get to know a lot of you!



  • Blueyz82
    Blueyz82 Posts: 151
    Hi Blue! I'm new here and I would love more friends on here for support! Great job so far! I have been having a lot of bad eating and lack of exercise days...but I started back yesterday...did exercise and was under my calories...exercised again today, so I plan to keep it up! Add me if you would like! I saw your name and thought, cool, I'm Blueyz82 :)