SBF2: Reboot Boogaloo - April 23rd

yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
The warm is here, the hot is coming.

Yesterday I missed weights class because husband didn't want me to leave him at home. His migraines are pretty nasty. I got a walk in and taught yoga though.

Today, heading to the gym? This morning, I have a drs appointment to see if I'm ready for headstand. I used to have daily headaches from pain in my upper neck. After I started yoga, the headaches diminished to just once a month or less, but I'm still afraid to cause pressure there. My teacher told me to get an x-ray so I could bring it to the workshop in May. We'll see how it goes. I'm also going to yoga tonight.

Sweat Boogaloo,



  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    The warm is here, the hot is coming.

    Yesterday I missed weights class because husband didn't want me to leave him at home. His migraines are pretty nasty. I got a walk in and taught yoga though.

    Today, heading to the gym? This morning, I have a drs appointment to see if I'm ready for headstand. I used to have daily headaches from pain in my upper neck. After I started yoga, the headaches diminished to just once a month or less, but I'm still afraid to cause pressure there. My teacher told me to get an x-ray so I could bring it to the workshop in May. We'll see how it goes. I'm also going to yoga tonight.

    Sweat Boogaloo,

  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Good luck at the doctor, Mary. I think we might get some snow today, but the weekend is supposed to be gorgeous. Go figure. MM, good luck with the elimination diet and everything else you have going on. AD, nice to see you!

    I was tired and didn't manage to get out of bed early enough to do my weights. I have a happy hour after work with some friends, so I won't make it to the gym either. It will take a lot of willpower to do a cardio DVD when I get home, plus weights, plus pushups. :noway: But, the happy hour should be a good exercise in leaving food... I hope!

    Catch-up boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    just finding the thread. be back later!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I'm back and I'm tired. Whew! I am realizing now just how much the sickness I've had recently has worn me down. I did two hours of grocery shopping and it wore me out! My back still hurts (I feel old!) so that's slowing me down as well. I may try to some kind of exercise later...maybe a walk with the hubby and son. Other than physical problems I really don't feel too bad.
    Diet is going well today, although every time I see something like bread, or sweets, or something else I can't have, I cringe. lol. But I think we are going to make it. I will probably lose a few pounds just because I am not a huge fruit and veggie fan, and that's what I will mostly be loading up on, so I may chose not to eat. :tongue: I will do my best to eat it. I did have lettuce, cucumber, and broccoli salad for lunch with leftover baked chicken and some kind pomegranate vinaigrette stuff. It wasn't too bad. And half a banana. So I am getting it in. Just not easy.
    I'm done rambling. I'm going to rest and watch a movie.

    Boogaloo ya!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Yoga Boogaloo for Mary!

    Goals today:
    ~ Do one of the Exercise TV fitness videos -- I need something different from the gym
    ~ Be honest with my calories
    ~ Vitamins
    ~ Do a Flylady cleaning routine! (okay, it's not a workout but it's on my "mental health" list)

    Wheeee...first date boogaloo tonight!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Trying to figure out the "practice of the day" yoga wise. Very tired. I have one called "re-energize" or something similar. I think I'm going to see if there's truth in advertising.:tongue:

    Hope your neck is looking good, Mary. ..and get some rest, MM. . .everyone I know has just been sick all winter off and on. CP, I would never be able to A: leave food at happy hour or work out afterwards. Too happy, I guess. I too turn to flylady for "mental health" cleaning coaching, wandering.:wink:

    We had warm (well, for us) and sunny today. Had my lunch out of doors, a true luxury.

    Take care.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Confession time and I am really embarrassed at my confession. :blushing: I am about to blow my "diet" on the first day! :noway:
    DH got a "gift card" of sorts to Red Robin for his birthday and it expires tonight. Money is pretty tight for us so getting something like that is great. It will cost us next to nothing for the three of us! So I am getting half of DH's burger. My original intention was to start the diet tomorrow anyway, but I had the stuff to start it today. The only damage this will do is extend the first week of the diet by a long as I don't do this again. This is NOT easy! lol.
    On one hand today is not a total loss. I have eaten decently today and I have not had any sugar (except fruit sugar) at all which is the first day in forever. So it is possible for me to do without it. I've been super hungry today though!
    So I already feel really guilty and I haven't gone out yet. I'm glad this isn't a permanent "diet". For one it's not healthy long term but also because I would be living under guilt and condemnation everyday for wanting to cheat. I will do it tomorrow though! I will! Not Monday! Tomorrow.
    Say something to make me feel better. lol. This is why diets really don't work for me (and for most people). I'm going to go enjoy my half-burger without guilt!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    MM, go enjoy your half-burger! This is a lifestyle, not a diet and the very fact that you are thinking about this ahead of time means that you'll be able to stay in control. Enjoy every bite!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    MM, go enjoy your half-burger! This is a lifestyle, not a diet and the very fact that you are thinking about this ahead of time means that you'll be able to stay in control. Enjoy every bite!

  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Mary (and all the ladies) check out this yoga-teaching granny.

    :noway: Wow. She is my new hero.

    Well, I survived happy hour. I probably wouldn't have been able to leave the chips I had with my wrap, but the waitress came around and I was the only one who still had a plate in front of me, so she asked if she could take it and I let her. Whew - that was close! :wink:

    I just managed to get through my cardio bellydance DVD. It's not very long so I repeated the middle 3 sections so I'd have 30 minutes not including the warm up and cool down. I am in the midst of my pushups now... aauuuggh. They are SO much harder now that I am going all the way to the floor. :embarassed: Then I'll rest for a bit before doing my strength routine (it is supposed to only take 12 minutes, but usually takes me 15-20). Then it will about be time for bed!

    MM - hope you had fun at Red Robin! WL - I had never heard of FlyLady, but I went and looked at the website and it looks pretty cool. Thanks!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Good burger and fries and good dessert too! Time to get back to business. :tongue: