Would you be offended if ....



  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    i say lead by example. if she wants help she will seek it out--i think it would be presumptuous and hurtful for a friend to bring up another friend's weight.

    You might want to turn that question around~How would you honestly feel if a friend did that to you??

    People need to do this for themselves, it's not up to you to tell her she needs to change her eating habits or even suggest this site. This is the most personal journey any of us enbark on and we are all here for our OWN reasons when WE are ready.

    yeah, my point exactly.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I set up an account for my friend & then told her about it!! It all depends on your relationship!!
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    This sounds like the right thing to do to me, she won't do anything until she is ready for it, why hurt a friendship. What I would do is if she's friends on facebook, have your losses and food diary completion post on your wall and she will see them eventually and if she is interested she will sign up. Definately don't send her forum topics that you think pertain to her. I am a dude and I would get pissed at that.

    LOL I was just thinking about one on migraines earlier - since that's her justification for drinking all that coke... But yeah, I get the point :)