Excercising after Spinal fusion/back pain

Hello everyone! I am not new here! I have been tracking my calories, and excercising. I fell off the wagon, and back on now.:glasses: I am wondering if anyone else has back issues? I would love to tackle those awsome videos to lose weight! I use the elliptical, treadmill, and I do have a weight machine/system. I am looking to lose at least 40 pounds. I am on the 1,200 calorie diet. Any thoughts? Anyone else with the same?:smile:
I am not here for MEDICAL HELP :o)


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    With such specific issues you need to be seeking advice from a health professional, not random people on the Internet.
    Good luck
  • HeidiLynnM
    I have talked to my surgeon. He did tell me walking is good :) I didn't need help, I was just curious :)
  • Hernandeak11
    Hernandeak11 Posts: 351 Member
    As stated, this is something you should talk to your doctor about.

    From personal experience, I first started out eating right and doing cardio (running, elliptical, biking, etc.)

    I'm now 17 lbs down, have ZERO back pain!, and am doing videos, more intense exercise.
  • HeidiLynnM
    Yes, I have noticed that walking on the treadmill/elliptical does help to ease the pain! I didnt come here for ANY medical advice :O)
  • cypher300
    Of course I'm going to echo what everyone else has said about talking to your doctor...however...

    If there is anything I can tell you is that there is life after a severe back injury. I have recently (within the last year) found out i have 3 herniated disks in my lower back. With that in mind, I've gotten back to a somewhat aggressive workout routine that all but takes out any twisting movements. My doctor, along with my professional trainer, has found a significant amount or exercises that focus on my core (leg raises, planks, extensions, etc). I've had to start out VERY slow but, pushing my pride aside, things are going very well!!

    Keep focused, listen to your doctor, and just keep up with the diet! There is life after a back injury!!
  • HeidiLynnM
    Thank you! I am not sure why I am told to talk to my doctor. I have already done that :) I wanted to see if anyone else has also had a back problem. I am not here to get anyone upset. I have found that having back issues does stink, but yes there is life after this!
  • DianeG213
    I had a back fusion 10 years ago. The strangest things get the pain in my back going - mostly vacuuming! It hasn't really affected me too much, my range of motion is less, but you get used to it and now it is not really even noticeable, you just adjust. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    I've had back surgery, about 12 years ago. I am fused from T3 to L1, so it's most of my back. Other than the physical limitations of not being able to arch my back, I really have no problems at all! I take all of the normal classes...body pump, aerobics, step aerobics, zumba...I can lift weights and do cardio. No problems at all! :)
  • busymom11
    I had back surgery 8 years ago. Herniated disc L5S1. I have what I'm guessing is permanent nerve damage in my right leg, and arthritic changes in my last MRI. Tried circuit training about a year ago which caused a flared up of radicular pain and weakness down both legs. So now I'm afraid to try any lifting. Walking outside (hate the treadmill) and the elliptical, averaging about 60 min a day is what I currently do.
  • HeidiLynnM
    Thank you for the replies! Having back issues is horrible, but it is also doable! (sp). I would love to try all those crazy weight losing stuff. I was looking at the 30 day shred. Anyone use this? I was also fused at l5 s1. I cant believe the weight I have gained! I want to at least lose 30 pounds!!!! I have a major issue of snacking at night. I need to get more fruit, and veggies! I have a major craving for sweets too!!!!! Please add me if you would like :)
  • afrikat
    Hi, I haven't had any surgery but I suffer from lumbar spondylosis (degenerating disc disease) and have back pain daily, ranging from a little niggle to severe spasm that means I can barely move. My back gets worse when I have a period without doing much exercise (e.g. when I am on holiday or if I just get lazy) and the more active I am, the better it gets. I go through stages where I am fine running, other times it just doesn't feel right so I do other cardio.

    Pilates is absolutely key - getting your back as strong as possible will allow you to incorporate more and more exercise into your lifestyle. Yoga is also good for flexibility but you have to be careful to keep within your limits or you can do more harm than good. Either way, you should attend classes run by an experienced instructor and make sure you fully explain your back issues before you begin any classes. There are usually alternatives to every exercise that may be easier on your back.

    Walking is also excellent - I find that if I am having a bad day and am in alot of pain, I can always go for a walk and in the long run keeping active

    I think the trick is to listen to your body - if something doesn't feel right, don't do it but at the same time make sure you keep active and build up slowly.

    Hope that helps!
  • cheddar2000
    cheddar2000 Posts: 43 Member
    I think everyone is just being safe here on seeing the doctor first. I agree as only your doctor knows exactly how any exercise will help or hurt you. That being said (and I do see my doctor every 3 months and we go over any new exercise before I try them) I have found doing modified aerobics in a swimming pool to be the key for me. I can't swim laps as I don't have the neck and back motion due to surgery but I can move around and lift swimming weights, etc. And after doing the pool only for about a year (yes, a year) I have finally graduated to walking and low impact aerobics outside of the pool. But the pool is still the main exercise for me. I hope this helps!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    After your spinal fusion you should have had Physical Therapy. They should have suggested safe exercises for your. I would ask for a home plan.
    I had 2 c-spine surgeries with plates and rods and was given safe things to do at home. Mostly resistance bands.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Thank you for the replies! Having back issues is horrible, but it is also doable! (sp). I would love to try all those crazy weight losing stuff. I was looking at the 30 day shred. Anyone use this? I was also fused at l5 s1. I cant believe the weight I have gained! I want to at least lose 30 pounds!!!! I have a major issue of snacking at night. I need to get more fruit, and veggies! I have a major craving for sweets too!!!!! Please add me if you would like :)
    I would not do any high impact anything.
  • ChristineW82
    ChristineW82 Posts: 116 Member
    Have you checked out Leslie Sansone's walking videos?

    I have arthritis in my back. Her videos are great and most of them show you how to moderate moves to your needs.

    As for your sweet tooth, I buy the little 100 calorie packs, sugar free jello, & sugar free hard candies are great!
  • marcia724
    marcia724 Posts: 180 Member
    I've had lower back surgery...with a remaining bulge still in there. I've realized which specific exercises are bad for me and stay away from them. Other than that...the MORE I exercise, the better my back feels. It's like medicine to me. I love the stairmaster, elliptical...and regular old cardio/aerobics class. I just don't do squat thrusts or anything where I have to bend in half quickly. Also deadlifs are a no-no. But it's different for every person.
  • DoBetterDrea
    DoBetterDrea Posts: 85 Member
    Thank you for the replies! Having back issues is horrible, but it is also doable! (sp). I would love to try all those crazy weight losing stuff. I was looking at the 30 day shred. Anyone use this? I was also fused at l5 s1. I cant believe the weight I have gained! I want to at least lose 30 pounds!!!! I have a major issue of snacking at night. I need to get more fruit, and veggies! I have a major craving for sweets too!!!!! Please add me if you would like :)

    I had a fusion (L5S1) in June 2010 and I'll never regret it. I went from basically not being able to do anything (I could barely walk) to being able to do almost everything! :happy:

    I can lift weights, do squats and do relatively high impact stuff. The only things I can't do are those exercises that require me to lay on my back (crunches suck, leg lifts/butt lifts suck). I did 30DS and felt ok doing it but for the exercises that hurt, I just made modifications or did something different.

    Good luck!
  • KathieSwenson

    I think the trick is to listen to your body - if something doesn't feel right, don't do it but at the same time make sure you keep active and build up slowly.

    That sounds like a direct quote from my physician. To me. My level of exercise depended on the time it had been sent I had l5s1 fused. The first six months the most I could do was walk. Now I'm three years out and I can do all kinds of stuff but do have problems with stiff like bent over rows and tricep kickbacks. The main thing is my physician told me to stay away from cruntches as they put pressure on your lower back. My back hurts me with leg raises. Cruntches don't hurt me that bad anymore but they used to. Anything that puts undo stress on my lower back will make me hurt. If you need a friend add me.
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello everyone! I am not new here! I have been tracking my calories, and excercising. I fell off the wagon, and back on now.:glasses: I am wondering if anyone else has back issues? I would love to tackle those awsome videos to lose weight! I use the elliptical, treadmill, and I do have a weight machine/system. I am looking to lose at least 40 pounds. I am on the 1,200 calorie diet. Any thoughts? Anyone else with the same?:smile:
    I am not here for MEDICAL HELP :o)

    Thanks for posting this... I've been dealing with a herniated disc since about August... and FINALLY did my MRI today. The radiologist wouldn't go into detail, but indicated that it isn't pretty. Sooo... waiting to hear from the chiropractor about what he thinks I need to do. I know he will say I need to quit fighting (martial arts), and that's really going to suck. But I really don't want to have to do a fusion.
  • KathieSwenson
    Thank you for the replies! Having back issues is horrible, but it is also doable! (sp). I would love to try all those crazy weight losing stuff. I was looking at the 30 day shred. Anyone use this? I was also fused at l5 s1. I cant believe the weight I have gained! I want to at least lose 30 pounds!!!! I have a major issue of snacking at night. I need to get more fruit, and veggies! I have a major craving for sweets too!!!!! Please add me if you would like :)

    I had a fusion (L5S1) in June 2010 and I'll never regret it. I went from basically not being able to do anything (I could barely walk) to being able to do almost everything! :happy:

    I can lift weights, do squats and do relatively high impact stuff. The only things I can't do are those exercises that require me to lay on my back (crunches suck, leg lifts/butt lifts suck). I did 30DS and felt ok doing it but for the exercises that hurt, I just made modifications or did something different.

    Good luck!

    I'm right there with you. Those exercises put me on a heating pad. I was like you I couldn't move. Once the neurosurgeon figured out how bad I was he didn't waist time getting me in. We had the disc test done (forgot the name now) and within 3 days I was having a laminectomy and l5 s1 total fusion.