Anyone have success with Belly Fat Cure ?

Just curious if anyone out there has done the Belly Fat Cure by Jorge Cruise? I've been on it now for a little over 2 weeks and so far I've lost 5 1/2 pounds.

I am aiming to lose 42 more pounds and really feel that I CAN DO THIS!

I really love the way that I feel and am excited to reach my first goal and other goals thereafter.

Anyone out there currently doing this plan? Thoughts, ideas are welcome.


  • I like Jorge and have picked up some great tips from him. I am really trying to watch my sugar intake. My husband and I love to go food shopping and try to guess the grams of sugar in certain items. We usually guess too low and are shocked. It is really hard to stick to 15 grams a day.
  • Cathy_ann913
    Cathy_ann913 Posts: 59 Member
    I lost 30 lbs on the belly fat cure, but I never felt good on this diet. Since I've been monitoring my blood sugar, my blood sugar has actually gone done on a regular diet. Oh course I do watch my sugar and carb intake, but I've found success with moderation in my diet and exercise. I must admit, my belly went down on this diet. I'm still taking flax seed oil and drinking a Sobe everyday, I may sound old but that combo makes for great bathroom visits. I've never been more regular!
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    bump to follow. what is the belly fat cure?
  • godslilgerl
    godslilgerl Posts: 64 Member
    i lost 15 pounds on it and thought it was really easy to stick to (i don't have a sweet tooth) but i plateaued for 3 months so i switched to a different plan...i don't really gain weight in my stomach area so it would probably work better for someone who carries their weight in their belly...i will give you some advice though...don't eat more than 3 oz of cheese per day or you might find it will stall your weight loss...that is probably what happened to me because i kept eating quesadillas and i've heard that a lot of other people found that to be true for them too
  • bump to follow. what is the belly fat cure?

    In a nutshell: Avoiding hidden and artificial sugars sticking to 15 g of sugar per day and 6 servings of carbohydrates. As he states on his webiste:

    "Hidden sugar is the main cause of belly fat due to its relationship with your fat-controlling hormone insulin. Consuming hidden sugar raises your insulin and locks in belly fat. That's why I believe true fitness must begin in the kitchen."
  • bekahjk
    bekahjk Posts: 74 Member
    I've just checked out his website the other day as I am trying to cut out most sugars from my diet and follow more low carb. I just made the minute muffin today and it kept me from the terrible afternoon craving for sugar. I really like his enthusiasm and all the great free tips on his website! Sorry no success story yet but just thought I would comment :)
  • I've just checked out his website the other day as I am trying to cut out most sugars from my diet and follow more low carb. I just made the minute muffin today and it kept me from the terrible afternoon craving for sugar. I really like his enthusiasm and all the great free tips on his website! Sorry no success story yet but just thought I would comment :)

    It would be fun to report our "successes" along the way as they come. I like the idea of cutting way back on sugar as I noticed I was having way too much (60+ grams) without even knowing it.

    I too made the muffin this morning and it was pretty good!
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    Woah!!! I just tracked my sugar and I am over daily related to my Greek yogurt, fruit and Kashi bars!!! Are these hidden sugars????
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    I've read most of the book and got enough to learn to eat low sugars. When I'm in a cycle like that I'll keep my sugars under 20 most days. 15 is hard but doable. I've learned a lot about sugar and carbs from his book.
    I have since recommened it to several people.
  • ashtonvv
    ashtonvv Posts: 144
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I wish someone would show me proof you can lose "belly fat" selectively. A low carb diet works well for most people, but the fat will come off where ever your body decides to let it go. Limiting carbs tricks your body into thinking there is no immediate fuel, so it burns fat already stored.

    In the past I lost 35 pounds pretty quickly on low carb and just like any other time I dieted, the belly fat went last. Probably because it's, usually, the first place fat is noticeable when you gain weight.
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    I wish someone would show me proof you can lose "belly fat" selectively. A low carb diet works well for most people, but the fat will come off where ever your body decides to let it go. Limiting carbs tricks your body into thinking there is no immediate fuel, so it burns fat already stored.

    In the past I lost 35 pounds pretty quickly on low carb and just like any other time I dieted, the belly fat went last. Probably because it's, usually, the first place fat is noticeable when you gain weight.

  • Bump
  • Bump
  • hollyberry2012
    hollyberry2012 Posts: 239 Member
    my belly is fat because the rest of my parts are already full.

    When I lose weight I lose it all over evenly.

    I'm basically a beach ball and when I lose....I'm a smaller beach ball...not a deflated one.
  • hubkal
    hubkal Posts: 125 Member
    I have seen a dietitian. this is an EASY way to watch for sugar. It is not so much the "sugar" on the numbered label. Greek yogurt has sugar in it, but it is not bad sugar. look for the word "SUGAR" in the ingredients. If something has 24g sugar then look right at the ingredient list, if the word sugar, dextrose, or anything containing "glu" you know you have yourself some sugar. Charboni Greek yogurt has no table sugar in it. The sugar is from the fruit and milk, those are good sugars! Don't be fooled. not all sugar is bad. It is the white table sugar that is bad for you. there is sugar in milk and fruit that would put you over your count for the day with just one serving of each! you need your fruits and milk. Everyone's body is different so it works differently for everyone. Watch your carbs and stay under the recommended value for your goal.
  • Redheadllena
    Redheadllena Posts: 353 Member
    I have seen a dietitian. this is an EASY way to watch for sugar. It is not so much the "sugar" on the numbered label. Greek yogurt has sugar in it, but it is not bad sugar. look for the word "SUGAR" in the ingredients. If something has 24g sugar then look right at the ingredient list, if the word sugar, dextrose, or anything containing "glu" you know you have yourself some sugar. Charboni Greek yogurt has no table sugar in it. The sugar is from the fruit and milk, those are good sugars! Don't be fooled. not all sugar is bad. It is the white table sugar that is bad for you. there is sugar in milk and fruit that would put you over your count for the day with just one serving of each! you need your fruits and milk. Everyone's body is different so it works differently for everyone. Watch your carbs and stay under the recommended value for your goal.

    This is a very helpful tip- I told myself that sugar in fruits and other natural things was ok and you have reconfirmed that! I have a major sweet tooth and carry my weight in my stomach so I do need to pay attention to my sugar/carb intake. But no apples, strawberries etc. was just too hard. Thanks for the tip! :)
  • luvinlaurakate
    luvinlaurakate Posts: 145 Member
    My mother in law starte this diet last week, and lost 7 pounds the first week. I am thinking about doing it along with her, atleast maybe the Fast Track one out now that is for 14 days. Am sort of in a rut and am thinking it could be just what I need to re-start my weight loss!
  • ScrappyLiz
    ScrappyLiz Posts: 16 Member
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    Interesting...never heard of it. What does a typical day of food entail? About how many calories are consumed?
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