Rib Cage question

I am embarassed to show it but....

I am curious,, I can tell that I am losing around my tummy slowly -- starting at the bottom edge of rib cage, I slowly lose more and more toward my hip. Keep in mind that I was obese all my life and I wonder one thing,,,,

Will the rib cage strink in time? It's sticking out like a sore thumb. See pix to see what I am talking about.....


  • lsjd2000
    lsjd2000 Posts: 287 Member
    the bones reform every two years so if you keep a weight loss down for 2yrs or more you will start to notice a change it may take a few years to notice the more active and physically fit you are esp with weight training the quicker you will notice a difference.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    you cant restructure bones..they dont change on their own, no matter how much weight you lose or gain..they can become harder and more dense, but you cant change their shape..except through surgery.

    i am a ct tech..and we have a saying (and i know its horrible get over it) when we scan a larger person, we see the there bone structure and its small compared to the adipose tissue..we say there is a small person trying to get out.

    the bone remodeling does happen..but it doesnt reshape your bones..
  • TeddyBear47
    TeddyBear47 Posts: 200 Member
    Mine move in every 35 lbs or so. I can feel it and the next few days after that there is some really good weight loss.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I have what I call "rib boobs" because my waist is much smaller than my rib cage so from certain angles, it looks like I have an extra set of oddly shaped hard bony boobs under my real boobs.
    My rib cage itself didn't shrink (I don't think), but my band size got a lot smaller and I look pretty proportionate now. I have a picture in my most recent blog if you want to see what mine looks like (and this is PAST my goal weight).

    You're getting fit and healthy, and that is what is really important.
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Your rib bones will NOT shrink... Unless you're committed to professional corset wearing 23hrs a day! Even then it'll be at least 8 months before you see movement and years before that movement is permanent. Some "tightlacers" go to the extreme of having their floating ribs surgically removed but that leaves your kidneys DANGEROUSLY exposed... not recommended!

    But, I have seen my bra band measurement go down with weight loss. That's just overlying tissue though, not the bones.

    Strengthen up your core/obliques and then you'll get around (I'm assuming you're turned off by bones protruding?) that look. Also keep in mind that you still have some extra weight pulling the skin taut over the bones. As that melts away it'll soften the look.