All I want is a block of chocolate and an apple pie

That's what today feels like. Just my little rant that I think people need sometimes to continue on.
Preferably without the block of chocolate.

Currently my boss, who is the owner of the small company I work at, is selling the business. The new owners take over on Thursday.
1. All employees are being paid out their annual leave hours they are owed - they've skimped us on 3hrs owed to us as our payslips just came through
2. No one knows what is actually going to happen on Thursday. No one from the new company has discussed it with any of us, so we're left in the dark to stress.
3. I'm not being paid enough to keep me happy here and its hard not to fight myself whether it would be better to wait it out or leave. If I wait it out there's a SLIGHT chance the new owners may realise that we're all being under paid for our jobs here and feel pity on us to give us a raise. *shrugs*

I'm just having one of those moments, to top it off I'm PMSing to the max, heaps of work to do before take-over happens and we have to all go into the warehouse tomorrow and stocktake so we'll all be even more behind in our work.

I'm like a rubber band right now that has been stretched and stretched. If it snaps, there better be apple pie, ice cream and chocolate close by!

Sigh. It'll be better soon.....and I just have to remind myself that chocolate isn't going to make this situation'll show on the scales and thats not the way to do it.