Please avoid the dangerous HCG diet scam



  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 567 Member
    Leave them alone? Ok, so everyone has their own weight loss path...I get that..BUT COME ON. Why have a total lack of compassion for those people who think it smart to do this harmful diet? Your darn right someone should say something about it!! Some of us on MFP give a *kitten* about others on here.
  • Spinelli2288
    Spinelli2288 Posts: 188 Member
    I'm not here promoting HCG nor am I about to argue with you about it. I'm just saying to leave people alone and let them choose their own path, they don't need people like you condemning them. You're ranting and raving all over MFP like you're pushing religion for fVcks sake.

    I think they're just trying to bring it to the attention of people that this is a dangerous thing to do to your body. If you're willing to take the risk then thats your business but some people feel the need to say at least once that hey here is all the facts you need that show that this path can be a danger to your health but if you choose to go forth then good luck. Its like when you see someone doing something dangerous (kid playing with matches or whatever) should you just go on about your business or should you say something to the kid about why what they're doing is dangerous? You'd hope they'd listen before they have to learn the hard way with a house burned down or with burns on their body to realize the dangers.

    At least once...... Take a look at Health_Gals posts under her nonexistent photo, you will see how excessive it is. Myself and friends of mine on here who aren't even doing HCG have received emails time and time again from this person and it's irritating. People need to butt out of peoples food diaries and diet plans is my main point, if you don't agree with it, leave it alone and go about your day. Again, I'm not here to promote HCG or argue it.
  • Its not dangerous to everyone, my aunt did it and is now super healthy and dropped a ton of weight,
  • Spinelli2288
    Spinelli2288 Posts: 188 Member
    Leave them alone? Ok, so everyone has their own weight loss path...I get that..BUT COME ON. Why have a total lack of compassion for those people who think it smart to do this harmful diet? Your darn right someone should say something about it!! Some of us on MFP give a *kitten* about others on here.

    Give a *kitten*? Really? More like giving people the opportunity to feel superior via the web.
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363


    Horse meat can be eaten under the HGC diet.

    From the MFP database
    Generic - Horse Meat, Raw, 100 grams 172 calories
    It tastes like chicken and has a ton of protein. I usually put some on top of a bed of spinach after a hard night of pumping iron. I mean I get so hungry I could eat a.. You get the point.
  • I don't know much about this diet, but I did find it funny that it was HCG -- which is the hormone a woman's body produces when she's pregnant. Cause as we all know, especially all the recent mothers who are on here now (me included), pregnancy is GREAT for weight loss!!!
  • KarateGoddess
    KarateGoddess Posts: 93 Member
    I'm not here promoting HCG nor am I about to argue with you about it. I'm just saying to leave people alone and let them choose their own path, they don't need people like you condemning them. You're ranting and raving all over MFP like you're pushing religion for fVcks sake.
    Wow! Really? If you don't like it don't read it - simple as that. You want to do your own thing that's fine but there are people here who, like you, want to do their own thing which includes trying to help others. It's not like they're coming to your door and preaching to you, they're posting on a board and you have the option to either read it .... OR NOT.
  • Katie1951
    Katie1951 Posts: 312 Member
    Everyone has their own weight loss story. Anything excessive is harmful.

    You can exercise to much, you can take Atkins to extremes, low carb, high protein, you name it. If it's working for you and your doctor is on board then I say "butt out".

    I didn't know that there is a "diet police force" on this site.
  • Srdking
    Srdking Posts: 84 Member
    My doctor informed about HCG when we were going over my weight loss issues. He explained in detail why our bodies can't live off 500 or less calories a day. What's going to happen when you start putting more calories than that back in you? You are going to gain the weight back. Have fun with that! My cousin who has an eating disorder does fad diets like that. It's just that a fad! She will lose a ton of weight, then gain it back and then drop it again quick. It's constant, who wants to live like that? I know I don't.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    People will hurt themselves if they want to, and deny it all the while. When issues come up, then they'll hopefully wake up. There's not much you can do for most people. Like, if you ran around knocking the cigarettes from the lips of the smokers, they'd just pick them right back up. It's a losing battle. Let them slowly kill themselves, you're just wasting your time.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I approve of the continued beating of this particular dead horse.
  • My internal medicine doctor, who is a holistic doctor put me on HCG. It is completely safe. It is a natural hormone. Your body lives off the stored fat which stores all the nutrients you need. Anyone that is doing it, I definitely recommend you be observed by your doctor, because it does cause your blood pressure to drop. And you will need a vitamin B shot about halfway through. They will not let you go past your 30 days. You should be monitored on a weekly basis by your doctor. My blood pressure got too low during the 3rd week, so he took me off of it. But let me just say, you can loose 30 lbs in 30 days. it does happen. And it is very hard to eat 500 cals. I had a lot of problems trying to eat that much. You don't feel hungry at all.

    The only's hard not to wreck yourself when you get off of it. After your 30 days, once you are off of it, your hunger does come back BIG TIME. Binging happens, carbs happen, and you can gain all those 30 lbs back in the next 30 days. It comes back on that fast. That's the reason why I don't recommend it. I only know one person that was able to keep off the weight. Everyone else I know gained it back immediately afterwards.

    It's safe when you are monitored by your doctor. But only if you are trying to loose for a certain occasion. Don't expect to keep it off.
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    I'm not here promoting HCG nor am I about to argue with you about it. I'm just saying to leave people alone and let them choose their own path, they don't need people like you condemning them. You're ranting and raving all over MFP like you're pushing religion for fVcks sake.

    I think they're just trying to bring it to the attention of people that this is a dangerous thing to do to your body. If you're willing to take the risk then thats your business but some people feel the need to say at least once that hey here is all the facts you need that show that this path can be a danger to your health but if you choose to go forth then good luck. Its like when you see someone doing something dangerous (kid playing with matches or whatever) should you just go on about your business or should you say something to the kid about why what they're doing is dangerous? You'd hope they'd listen before they have to learn the hard way with a house burned down or with burns on their body to realize the dangers.

    At least once...... Take a look at Health_Gals posts under her nonexistent photo, you will see how excessive it is. Myself and friends of mine on here who aren't even doing HCG have received emails time and time again from this person and it's irritating. People need to butt out of peoples food diaries and diet plans is my main point, if you don't agree with it, leave it alone and go about your day. Again, I'm not here to promote HCG or argue it.

    Oh well see I didn't know she was doing that. I mean all someone can do is mention it one time and afterwards have to learn to just leave them be, for some I know that can be difficult (me for example) since I care about others (more than I should sometimes) but idk she should then be reported for harassment.


    I wish this horse was mom just started it a onth ago, even though I told her the many reasons why it was unhealthy. She'll lose weight, and put every pound back on after she starts eating normally again.

    I even told her she'd be starving herself, and it's called ANOREXIA not a diet!
  • KarateGoddess
    KarateGoddess Posts: 93 Member
    Leave them alone? Ok, so everyone has their own weight loss path...I get that..BUT COME ON. Why have a total lack of compassion for those people who think it smart to do this harmful diet? Your darn right someone should say something about it!! Some of us on MFP give a *kitten* about others on here.

    Give a *kitten*? Really? More like giving people the opportunity to feel superior via the web.
    You really have some serious issues! Consider therapy...
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Its not dangerous to everyone, my aunt did it and is now super healthy and dropped a ton of weight,
    Yes, actually it is a bad idea for everyone. Just because your aunt managed to lose weight on it, is no indication of the quality of this product. Eating only 500 calories a day regularly is dangerous. Period.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Leave them alone? Ok, so everyone has their own weight loss path...I get that..BUT COME ON. Why have a total lack of compassion for those people who think it smart to do this harmful diet? Your darn right someone should say something about it!! Some of us on MFP give a *kitten* about others on here.

    Give a *kitten*? Really? More like giving people the opportunity to feel superior via the web.
    Eat something, you'll feel better. :flowerforyou:
  • Spinelli2288
    Spinelli2288 Posts: 188 Member
    Leave them alone? Ok, so everyone has their own weight loss path...I get that..BUT COME ON. Why have a total lack of compassion for those people who think it smart to do this harmful diet? Your darn right someone should say something about it!! Some of us on MFP give a *kitten* about others on here.

    Give a *kitten*? Really? More like giving people the opportunity to feel superior via the web.
    You really have some serious issues! Consider therapy...

    :laugh: Really, is that you giving a *kitten*?
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    Its not dangerous to everyone, my aunt did it and is now super healthy and dropped a ton of weight,
    Yes, actually it is a bad idea for everyone. Just because your aunt managed to lose weight on it, is no indication of the quality of this product. Eating only 500 calories a day regularly is dangerous. Period.

    Compare HCG to gastric bypass.
    but isn't gastric bypass only recommended for people who are morbidly obese around 450-600+ pounds?
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Funny how those supporting the idea that a 500-calories-a-day is healthy and should be promoted also seem to think MFP is a 'weight loss' website. Last time I checked, MFP is a fitness forum. Yes, a good proportion of us on here do want to lose weight but the emphasis is most definitely on doing it in a healthy way, with fitness incorporated too. Not sure getting fit is possible if you are trying to survive on 500 calories a day.

    Personally, I'm done with fad diets and decided to join MFP to get away from them. It's really not helpful to all of those wanting to lose weight for people to post support for the quick fix diets that got many of us here in the first place.
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