How do I learn to love running?



  • koureur
    koureur Posts: 6 Member
    Regularly run with a major, major hottie. Even if you don't have his or her permission to do so.

    This is the best response i've ever seen. btw... i'm checking to see if the poster of this comment lives nearby. she'd be my hottie choice ;)

    isnt that called chasing someone down lol

    Chasing someone down, stalking, inspiration...semantics. ;)
  • Cathleenr
    sometimes running to a beat keeps your mind occupied. i never liked running til i got an ipod, then i hated running to songs that were out of pace with me. has free podcasts classified by beats per minute (bpm) in a variety of speeds. they are usually about an hour. i import them into my audio program and add halfway points, intro songs and cool down songs and its the best. something like "tiget by the Tail", which is 163 BPM is so drum-intensive...i get lost and could run forever.
  • DayumStraightIAmEllie
    I love running...but there is nothing like running a race...find a friend to run with...and do little could be because i like competition though.

    Many people love running to music, running with a dog, or running with a friend.

    Just know, unless its really because you want to love running, dont feel like you have to run. There are tons of other things you can do. Running is actually said to hurt your knees.But whatever you choose, just stick to what you love because then you will keep wanting to do it.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    If you find a way to love running - great!

    But if you don't, you are not alone. I have run off and on for many years and have never found that I enjoy it. Walking, hiking and biking I enjoy and in nice weather often end doing more exercise that I had planned. But I run only becuase I know its good for me, not because I like it.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Regularly run with a major, major hottie. Even if you don't have his or her permission to do so.

    This is the best response i've ever seen. btw... i'm checking to see if the poster of this comment lives nearby. she'd be my hottie choice ;)

    isnt that called chasing someone down lol

    and if it's a guy doing the chasing, it usually doesn't end well. restraining order, pepper spray to the face....not necessarily in that order either

    as for the OPs question I started slow. very slow. for me it was really a spark of "FU ALL I CAN DO THIS!!!" since I started @ 400+lbs. and everyone, family, friends, doctor was against it since I was too fat to run.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    All my life I wasn't very physical but now losing weight I feel like I have to be, and I keep reading posts of people who love running and who have learnt to love it, I want to love it, but I just can't!

    Does anyone have any tips to learn to enjoy jogging/running?

    Find a type of cardio you like.

    No need to force yourself into running. I like treadmill or spinbike but hate x-trainers or stationary bikes. No forcing yourself, you will find reasons not to.

    Another good option is swimming, shockingly effective whilst it doesn't actually feel like it is.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Running isn't compulsory. Not everyone loves it. I'm training for a Marathon and I have days when I swear I'll never run a step again, but the really, really good days get me back out there, specially with spring round the corner and blue skies and snowdrops to make me smile!

    As well as looking into C25K, here are my beginner's running tips some of which might help:

    Look into joining a running club. Mine is excellent for being very inclusive to runners of all abilities, so I can run with complete newbies and county-level runners without being left behind.

    Look into the type of running you like best - pounding the streets for Marathon distances might not be for you, but perhaps trail running, adventure races or sprint distances might suit you better. A 5K is always a great goal.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    Don't bother. Find something you do like instead. There's no rule that says you have to run.
  • MsAziz
    MsAziz Posts: 71 Member
    Don't bother. Find something you do like instead. There's no rule that says you have to run.

    Totally agree with it.
    But I love running! One days that I can't get myself up and off my a**, I put on really loud music with a fast tempo/beat and that is usually enough to get me to started :)
    But really truly, if you don't like doing something, than life is too short to force yourself to do :)
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    Don't bother. Find something you do like instead. There's no rule that says you have to run.

    Absolutely! You are far more likely to do something if you enjoy it, so find something you do enjoy.
  • AnotherJenn
    AnotherJenn Posts: 62 Member
    I was never a runner but I forced myself to start because I didn't have a lot of time to workout. While waiting for my daughter at softball practice (3 times a week) I decided to start running instead of watching the practice from the bleachers. This is how I started running. As stated above the C25K app is great as it will slowly teach you how to run without over doing it. Since I started I thought a goal would be nice so I signed up for a 5k which was actually fun! I ran aother 5K a few months ago and now I'm starting the Bridge to 5K and I'm thinking about signing up for a 10k in April. Don't take it too seriously try and have fun. Good luck. I still don't consider myself a runner, maybe more of a jogger :-)
  • 36250
    36250 Posts: 4
    Everything said above plus the fact that running endorphins don't kick in until you've gone about two miles. A lot of people who don't like it stop after a half mile and wonder what all the fuss is about. When you can work up to it, you'll find you feel much better at mile two, which makes the rest a lot easier and you'll feel great afterward.
  • IndyInk
    IndyInk Posts: 212
    LaCroyx, the pepper spray bit only intensifies the cardio, because shortly thereafter, you get to practice running away from the long arm of the law. Win-win.
  • secoke
    secoke Posts: 69 Member
    I had hated running all my life. Recently I started getting into it more because I felt like it was my only option for good cardio. While I was running 4-5 times a week it finally came out that I have exercise induced asthma! I've always been a fairly active person with dance and taking spin classes and the inability to catch my breath didn't really bother me then so I figured I couldn't possibly have asthma. Now I have an inhaler and it is like night and day! My point is, if there is anything else that you don't like about running (pain in your joints, not being able to catch your breath) that doesn't go away, get it checked out :)
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I only started running again a few years ago (more to boost my fitness as I'd started playing oldtimers soccer) and was probably more surprised than anyone when I discovered that I loved it.

    If you're starting to run, as others have already suggested, start slow and progress slowly. Some people enjoy the social aspect of group runs, personally I prefer running by myself - I find it very meditative and relaxing to head out and knock off 10 or 12kms.

    The bottom line, however, is stick with activities you enjoy; ones that you're more likely to continue for the rest of your life.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Get out there and do it! :)

    Seriously, I'm not going to lie. The first month or so - sucks. It hurts. It does. Your body needs to acclimate to it.

    BUT you can focus on a few things....

    1. Remind yourself how good you're being and how healthy it is
    2. Sign up for races to moviate yourself
    3. Run with a friend! :)
    4. Pick good music to walk/run to or listen to your favorite radio news programs
    5. GET. GOOD. SHOES! SO important!
    6. Don't go too big, too fast. Take your time. You have the rest of your life to keep on running :)
    7. Think about all the glorious miles that are passing beneath your feet!
    8. Read some awesome, inspiring running books like: Born to Run by Christopher McDougall or Ultra Marathon Man: Confessions of an All Night Runner by Dean Karnazes

    Just keep going out there!
  • butterfly10398
    I started loving running because of the amazing rush you feel afterwards... After you finish a long run, it just gives you such a feeling of accomplishment, and you have a rush of endorphins. You just FEEL good afterwards... thats why I started running, but its probably different for everybody. Definitely take it slower, work your way up...
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Why run when you can walk?
    Unless you have poor cardiovascular system?

    Take a 20-30 min walk instead!
    Its easier on your knees and joints.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    My entire life I disliked running...mainly because I wasn't any good at it.
    That being said, I recently joined a Learn to Run clinic and now I am finding that I really love it... The clinic starts you off really slow and each week the time running is gradually increased as well as the distance... It is such a gradual increase that your body barely even notices...and before you know it you are running a full 5km!

    Not to mention, it is good to join the clinic because you learn essential things like what to eat, how much to drink, what kind of shoes to wear, etc. Now that I am properly hydrated and my shins no longer hurt because I am wearing proper shoes I love to run....and I am left with a sense of pride because I am doing something I thought I could never do!
  • lissypriss
    lissypriss Posts: 157 Member
    When you learn the secret, let me know...the only way I'd run is if someone was chasing me....