New again

Hi my name is lupe. i'm 26yrs old and weigh 240 lbs. i signed up to myfitnesspal last year and i kept telling myself ok i'm gonna do this and then I wouldn't. I'd do it for a week and then i'd stop.

so now here i am again attempting this once more and planning on sticking to it. The only thing is I need someone to help me out. I'm kind of clueless on what to do here. I know I want to lose weight and in order to do that i need to eat healthy and work out i just dont want to do it alone. I dont have a lot of female friends and i need someone to keep me motivated.

I am married but my husband isn't much help. he just keeps telling me you're doing great now have a cookie! Its like he doesn't think i can do it or something. atleast thats how i feel. this is just another reason why i want to just get on with this and start losing weight.

So..thats me.


  • I added you. (: Good luck! I have no doubt that you will stick to it this time.
    If you ever need to talk to someone, feel free to message me at anytime.
    I'm just getting into this and I'm hoping to be able to stay with it (I always try dieting programs but it only last a few weeks before I cave in). So, hopefully we can keep each other motivated!
  • Good luck!
  • Hi Lupe!

    I am also new! I am a 26 yr old female, married, 5'9" and 258 lbs. I have always been a moderately active girl, but never learned good eating habits. I was anorexic in high school, and sometimes find myself making excuses for fear of "over doing it again." No more lying to myself. I started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred today on level one. I barely kept up, but I did! I'm hoping to move on to level 2 in a few days. I am worried for my own health, and am tired of being self conscious all of the time and settling for clothing that fits instead of clothing that looks good. I miss feeling beautiful and healthy. I want my confidence back! I have many concerns, but I really think having contact with other people who have similar weight loss/health goals is beneficial. Best of luck!