Question about heartburn

hi all

i am trying my best to have porridge for breakfasts as i use proper oats and its so high fibre.

now then, the issue i have always had with cereals or anything milk based in the morning is that it gives me horrendous heartburn.

if i eat it any other time, i dont get it, only in the mornings.

could this indicate some intolerance im not aware of? any other suggestions?


  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    you might want to try digestive enzymes with your meal for proper digestion.
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    what could be causing it?

    i have some actually that a nutritionist ordered for me, ive been a little lax in taking them so will try that thankyou!
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    there is no proof that synthesised digestive enzymes even survive the natural digestive process in the stomach and small intestine. and there is no proof that they get to where they are supposed to go.

    enzymes are secreted during different times and places in the digestive process already. they are secreted in response to fats, carbs or proteins that you ingest. if you are truely lacking, then that signals something else is going on with your body. far as heart burn can be caused by many things. high fat foods, dairy, or even a gluten allergy. if you really feel its dairy, you can try a lactose free dairy product. they make those..i think its called lactaid milk. its the lactose that causes that problems and intollerance. lactose is of course a disaccharide.

    if you have bad heartburn there is something going on with your body. just taking anti acid pills doesnt fix the cause..just masks the symptoms. i used to have horrible heart burn (gerd) and IBS type symptoms until i became a all went away now without medications.

    you need to get tested for H. Pylori also..a bacteria in the body that is linked to GERD and ulcers. there are tons of reasons you could be having heart matter the reason, its important to get to the cause and fix it..even if it means changing your diet. you can experiment on your own with foods, and or see a doctor
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    what could be causing it?

    i have some actually that a nutritionist ordered for me, ive been a little lax in taking them so will try that thankyou!

    you could try cereal with almond milk (unless you are allergic to nuts) and see if you have the same symptoms. If you don't have them then it's the milk and if you do then it's the cereal. If its the milk I would continue to use almond milk or another dairy free milk and if it's the cereal, I would check if it contains gluten or other allergic substances.

    I used to have acid reflux but if now if I feel heartburn symptoms I take digestive enzymes and it goes away. I would also suggest taking a probiotic or probiotic foods(cultured vegetables, etc.) to get more of the good bacteria in your digestive tract.
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    it just seems so odd that on heavy lifting days i usually have a glass of milk in the evening and this doesnt cause the same issue...

    its not every time i eat it either.

    i DO have issues with stomach ulcers (caused by long term use of ibuprofen) but i do not have h pylori, ive been treated and am clear. i havent had a stomach ulcer flare up in probably 8 months now, last time was due to ibuprofen use again.

    i now do not take it under any circumstance... i think i will try using almond milk in the mornings...

  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    happened again this morning.

    its agonising!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • livi_cowgirl
    livi_cowgirl Posts: 198 Member
    Everything used to give me heartburn, and I mean EVERYTHING! Even water! It was so bad sometimes that I would wake up in the morning with the most horrendous morning sickness, throwing up battery acid, or that's what it felt like. It was so bad my eyes burned. The doc put me on a high dose of Omeprazole and that seems to have settled it. I suggest taking that, it does wonders. x
  • amilani1
    amilani1 Posts: 5 Member
    Have you ever had food allergy tests? Have you considered the possibility of lactose intolerance?
  • MarinaPacheco
    MarinaPacheco Posts: 95 Member
    As previous posters have said it's a very individual thing. I find that I get really bad heartburn from anything that is high in carbs, including bread and pastas. Pasta is the absolute worst for me! I've been tested for gluten intolerance and I'm okay so it isn't the gluten BTW.
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    the thing is no other dairy causes it, and i dont get it any other time of the day... so surely not lactose?

    its really strange...!!!