How do they do it???

I started my weight loss journey last June, I've got 5lbs to go but currently only losing at 1-2lbs a month.. (3lb just after TOTM if I'm really lucky!).

I was 5lb off goal, hoping to lose another pound this week, cravings weren't due to kick in until next week (beginning of March but they come early only 2 weeks after last TOTM). so water has piled back on and taken me to back over 10st :sad:

What I don't get is these ads on internet 'I lost 4st in one month! ' .. HOW???? and its usually pic of a woman so assuming they also gain temporarily for one week of the month.. how did they lose 4st in 3 weeks?? . I've even bought some of these things but they NEVER work for me, dunno if its cos I've got an underactive thyroid, sometimes I lose something with them maybe a few pounds more than I would have done just by diet and the exercise I can manage, but no where near as dramatic as they claim.

My biggest loss came when I dropped wheat and all processed carbs and lost 7lb in one week, I was estatic, but second week only lost 4lbs then it went back to about 4-5 a month now can't even lose that so trying to re-introduce some carbs (non-wheat based ones) and bought 3 tubs of slim fast to try, try sticking to a slimfast with a piece of fruit and one meal (500cals).

I was hoping to have reached my goal by end of March and got the last 5lbs off but no chance of that with now 2 TOTM's per month and spending 2 out of every 4 weeks 'storing water'.. if I manage to get it off by June it will have taken me a YEAR to lose a measly 3stone so was just wondering what their secret is?


  • kaydensmom12
    Actually at 1-2lbs a month is good especially if you only have 5lbs to go. I have a period every day, and before that I had it every 2 weeks I drank plenty of water and usually did not have a problem with water after a couple days. You have to be patient. I have 15lbs to go and was plateaued for 7 weeks. It really is about patience. You can't expect to lose 7lbs or 4lbs every week, it is just not healthy.
  • myf1101
    I don't know how they do it but I have tried slimming pills and over a month I ended up putting on weight which was frustrating. I have also tried slim fast and didn't lose weight from that either and I had a lot of weight to lose. I know you must be feeling frustrated but keep focus on what you have already achieved because you have done so well.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    first, with 5 lbs left 1/2 lb a week is exactly where you should be. So you're doing it right.

    Second, those ads are a load of crap, I can lose 5 lbs tomorrow if I wanted to (even though I'm at my maintenance) because it's easy to dehydrate and lose weight if you know how. Forget the weight, focus on body fat % and strength gains. At your point you should care very little about actual weight.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Crikey a period every day sounds even worse! . Mine used to be regular like clockwork but very heavy. Since beginning of last year (before I started dieting) they had started getting lighter but were still regular until the end of the year. I'm 42 so wasn't sure if it was menopause coming early or effects of dieting for 6 months!

    I've got a sneaky feeling they aren't going to arrive on time as it happened for 2 months.. water went on.. came off.. no period, thought it wasn't coming then few days later they started, got back on scales and water had gone back on literally overnight! (usually 4-6lbs each time), they came on time beginning of Feb so I thought I was back to normal again and had time to get another pound off!! .. It's so frustrating!!!

    I just want to be able to get on scales and still be under 10st even with monthlies! :embarassed: :ohwell:

    p. s how can you lose 5lbs by tomorrow?.. water pills?
  • kaydensmom12
    It does sound frustrating. Make sure you check with your doctor to make sure everything is okay. Take your measurements to see if you are progressing. Please do not take a water pill if they are not prescribed to you they can cause SERIOUS fluid and electrolyte imbalances.
  • nutandbutter