The difference in weight on different scales



  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    The best thing to do is use the same scale each time. same clothes etc

    this.... just use the same scale and as long as it goes down your good...

    personally id use the one that says i weigh the least :laugh:
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I'm getting frustrated with this! I'm starting a 90 day challenge today and want a legit starting weight. I bought a dial scale for home and on Saturday weighed in @ 130. The "old school" balance scale (the 1 you stand on and slide the weights over) at my karate school said 131 on saturday ( a whole 20 minutes after i weighed 2 home). Then there is the digital scale @ work that says 128 this morning. My scale this morning said 129.

    WHAT THE HELL DO I USE???? What type of scale is most accurate? All scales are on hard level surfaces. I don't want to weigh in every day and I want an accurate weight. Am I obsessing too much?:huh:

    Where is the challenge?

    if it's at work, use the work one, if it's personal use the home one.

    regardless of what they all say, they should all show the same drop, so if you lose a lb, it should show on all of them, so the staring weight shouldn't matter if the challenge is to lose x lbs.

    Good luck with the challenge.
  • I'm trying to move more, feel better and look better just like everyone else.

    The pounds don't matter, if you mean what you say. Your scale is how you feel and how you look, not a kilo or two. Do you enjoy that 5k or is it a drag? Do you love riding your bike to the shops or do you wish that someone else had bought the milk?

    I asked for opinions on my desire to get an accurate starting weight and scale accuracy, not opinions on my weight or the legitimacy of my goals or if 2 lbs matters or not. I do have a good amount of weight to lose and YES the lbs coming off mean something to me. It means progress. I just started so I do expect to see a difference on the scale. I also expect to feel and look different and I absolutely enjoy the work I'm doing to get to my goal. Yes, I asked for opinions. I did not ask to be judged. I do not judge any one else on these forums.

    That's enough of that.