
My husband and i took a mini vacation this weekend and went to Indy to see his brother. I was so sure that i would be able to handle eating right after like 7 weeks of doing it counting calories, exercising...whelp i only proved that i can over eat with the best of them..Thankfullly i only gained about a pound but still. Our gym was doing some remodeling on friday which made my zumba workout impossible to do so i didn't get a work out in, then we ate at a Hibatichi grill but i know because of the sodium in the food that i started to retain water.. i haven't drank nearly enough water in the past three days.. saturday i slept in had a heavy breakfast, we did walk at a muesum for about 2 hours but not nearly fast enough to call a work out...once we got back to the hotel i did manage to get my *kitten* to the fitness center and burn 1200 calories in 60 mins and do 7.24 miles on the ellptical so that made me feel really good. Sunday was a better day i ate a lighter breakfast. lighter lunch, and the rest of my lunch for dinner.

why is it when i am home i make smart choices? I pay attenetion to what i eat and what goes in my body? but give me a few days away and i forget everything i have been working for? I leave for our week long cruise very soon if i cant handle 3 days away how can i handle 7 days without gaining and staying on track to keep loosing? was so hoping i was going to hit my 2nd goal and loose 10 pounds this week. and maintain my 1st goal of being prebaby weight and going under that number, but i just don't see how that will happen in one day!!! (i weigh in on tuesdays)

Not to mention that my kids are getting sick coughing up a storm every time they do something even remotely active so i can't take them to the nursery at the gym, it moves quickly, the youngest got it friday night still has it, and now my oldest woke up with it this morning... Plus an im not sure how this happened but i can barely walk started early evening last night my calf muscles are so sore it hurts to walk, sit, touch the skin... so even if i could take my kids to the gym im not sure i would even be able to spin today without hurting myself even more.. I know i should take a day off but knowing i took off two day last week makes me think i should get up and get to the gym!!!