Review of Jillian Michaels body revolution

I was hoping to get some feedback on Jillian Michaels body revolution. I saw quite a few post of people starting the program but no reviews. Are the workouts challenging, is there alot of 'jump training'. I already have her 30 DS and ripped in 30. Does this program follow the same set up?

Does the diet contain 'everyday' foods or did you find youself shopping for most of the ingredients needed?

Any feed back is appreciated


  • shonda_gonzalez
    shonda_gonzalez Posts: 14 Member
    Curious as well.
  • Srdking
    Srdking Posts: 84 Member
    There is plenty of planks and it reminds me of some of her other DVD's for the most part. I give Revolution 4 stars, plenty of great workouts, but like her other exercise videos can be hard on the knees. Not a problem for me but for some with bad knees it can be a problem. As for the diet that comes with the set. Here is the thing I just don't see your everyday person eating half of what's in there. Some people just don't like certain veggies, fruits, and meats. So sure the diet might work for some but for others it might be a bit of a challenge. Also you got to figure in cost, how much more would you be spending to keep up with her diet, and buying food for the rest of your family as well. I have no doubt with her exercises and diet you will lose weight. Before you shell out the money on this program, I would wait and see more reviews coming in. I have it, but I would never follow the diet I just don't see the point of adding the extra cost to my grocery bill.

    Yes you will need to shop for the foods and the ingredients needed. Some are normal everyday foods, others might be a little hard to find, depending on your grocery store. Now if you have a health foods store that has lot's of things. You should be able to pick up everything there for your diet. And yes it has the same feel as 30DS, Ripped in 30, 6wk-6pk, no more trouble zone and so forth.

    I mean it has some new moves and workouts in it. But as far as Jillians classic style yes, it's similar to her others in some aspects.
  • dzmikki
    dzmikki Posts: 254 Member
    Thanks srdking! Your info was helpful.
  • dzmikki
    dzmikki Posts: 254 Member
    Any other reviews out there?
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    I've heard a lot of reviews on P90X and Insanity, but nothing on Body Revolution. Would also like to hear some reviews.
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    Friend phatsoslim (you can tell her I sent you!). She is doing the program right now, and is blogging it as she goes. She has done lots of Jillian.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Friend phatsoslim (you can tell her I sent you!). She is doing the program right now, and is blogging it as she goes. She has done lots of Jillian.

    Thanks! I just saw that there's several topics on JM's Body Revolution already started that I'm reviewing...
  • dzmikki
    dzmikki Posts: 254 Member
    Friend phatsoslim (you can tell her I sent you!). She is doing the program right now, and is blogging it as she goes. She has done lots of Jillian.

    Thanks! I just saw that there's several topics on JM's Body Revolution already started that I'm reviewing...

    I did a search, but only saw talks of starting the progam and not any real reviews. If you found one can you past the link here?
  • ged630
    ged630 Posts: 145 Member
    I just started the program yesterday. I am not following the diet section, just the workouts. What I like so far is that you get 3 packages of DVDs. For Phase1, 2, and 3. Each phase is broken down into two weeks so you have workout 1 and 2 (used for first 2 weeks) and workout 3 and 4 (used for second 2 weeks) and one cardio DVD that you use during the whole 4 weeks. The layout is workout 1, workout, 2, Cardio, workout 1, workout 2, Cardio rest day. i think this setup will help with getting bored of doing the same DVD over and over. As always, I love how she talks. She is tough, but also keeps saying you are worth the work. I know it sounds weird, but it makes you feel good about what you are doing.

    She also says the first few weeks are building you up to harder workouts in the coming weeks. I would not call Workout 1 and 2 easy, but also not so hard you can't do them. She also shows how to make every move harder and easier based on your needs.

    I think the program has only been out since early February so that may be why there are not many reviews out there yet. I will share my results once I have some :smile:
  • dzmikki
    dzmikki Posts: 254 Member
    Great! Thanks.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    dzmikki, after reviewing the other are correct, can't find a person who has completed the entire program to share a "true" review. if i find anything i will make sure to pass it along. please let me know if you find ANYTHING... :-)
  • pamiee
    pamiee Posts: 1
    I want to do this one and can not find any reviws for the entire work out.. why is that??
  • jendarlin
    jendarlin Posts: 184 Member
    I want to do this one and can not find any reviws for the entire work out.. why is that??

    It is a brand new program! It has not been out for 90 days yet for anyone here to have completed it. :smile:
  • shymetallicagrl
    shymetallicagrl Posts: 9 Member
    i just ordered mine...should get it sometime this week :)
  • trebelo
    trebelo Posts: 1
    I ordered mine last week . . .expecting it in the mail anytime. I've been taking Zumba classes at the gym . . .LOVE them. Three different instructors so far,and all are different, so it's a good work out for me. Next is Aqua-Zumba they teach. I wanted videos to work out with in between the times I can't make it to the gym and they are only 30 minutes. I'm excited to start. Will follow-up after I try the first one.
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    As noted, I believe this was released in late January/early February, so noone, except for her test group, has completed the program. I ordered last week and should have my set today (per FedEx). From what I've read of those who are actively doing the program, it's nicely structured (as noted by another poster),with 30-minute workouts, 6 days a week. The first week, if you want, is the "kickstart week" that recommends 2 workouts a day (total of an hour) and an even "cleaner" diet. She offers meal suggestions/meal plan, but you can always follow the same calorie limit and try to incorporate the foods she recommends and those you like. For those foods that you do not like, or you do not want to buy due to cost (e.g., organic, at Whole Foods, etc.), you can always use something as a replacement that's similar in nutritional composition (i.e., similar amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fat, sugar, etc.). Ultimately, if you eat "clean" (e.g., vegetables, fruits, steel cut oatmeal, greek yogurt, low sugar foods, etc.) at the calorie levels she recommends (or what MFP recommends) and you follow her workout schedule, you WILL get results.
  • chrisc2006
    chrisc2006 Posts: 21 Member
    I just finished week 1 with the metabolic kick start. I also followed the menu plan an had a 10-1/2pd lost so I'm very happy with the program so far. I know the weight loss is alot but I've got alot to loose so I'm thinking its mostly water. I started week 2 today and will do the meal plan but will also modify were necessary. There's plenty of options to mix and match the menu to my liking and I am also able to make the meals for my family to eat as well. So for me personally I like the menu and the exercise, it hasn't been to hard to adapt. Last week I had bad headaches for 2 days but I think that was from being a sweetaholic to no sugar.

    Good luck to those also doing this program and I'd like to hear others feedback
  • hzleyez81
    hzleyez81 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm recovering from wrist surgery right now but cannot wait to try this when I'm better! Thanks for the reviews!
  • ksnellen
    ksnellen Posts: 1 Member
    I currently just finished week 1 of Jillian's Body Revolution --

    Here are my thoughts:

    1. Its only 30 minutes, so REALLY easy to work into your schedule. I changed my "day off" from Sunday to whenever I work my 12 hour shift so its possible to be flexible.

    2. She does workouts in 4 circuits so its really easy to guage how far along you are in the workout

    3. She has different types of people doing the workout with her in the program so its nice to relate to a body that you would like to aim for.

    4. The first 2 weeks aren't that hard so its not discouraging -- I expect it to get a LOT harder after the first 2 weeks but by then I'll be in my routine and addicted!

    5. After week one, I can already tell I'm more toned!

    6. Some aspects can be hard on the knees -- but there are options to work around this! She also rotates muscle groups each day so if you are a bit sore, ITS OK! You'll be working different muscles the next day so you have recovery time!

    I like this program so much better than P90x and Metamorphosis -- Its much more manageable with the time (only 30 minutes), which is the biggest success factor I think to a program, ALSO it starts semi-slow so its not discouraging and you aren't TOO sore which can prevent people from continuing the program.

    I'm sure the diet helps, but I already watch my sugar consumption and try to increase my protein as much as possible. Her NO food list is interesting, so I'll following that to see if it helps.
  • mareuhlee
    mareuhlee Posts: 6 Member
    Week two, so far, so good. Love the exercises. I did the diet menu for the 7 day kickstar and loved it. I am a single mom of 2 and found no problem with it at all. Not even the price. A lot of veggies yes, but losing weight is a "lifestyle change" so why not "change" the way the whole family eats. My kids liked most of the stuf except the fish. Very doable, very ordinary foods, which I was shocked to discover. I give it 5 stars (so far), but it is still new so you wont find many reviews per se. Good luck on your journey.