Okay you running people were right

naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
It is getting easier. I am still doing treadmill walk/run but the run part is getting easier and the recovery time is getting shorter. My goal is to run the entire length of the "American Pie" song by Don McClain....that is one long song. Thanks to all for the advice and encouragement. :smooched:


  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    It is getting easier. I am still doing treadmill walk/run but the run part is getting easier and the recovery time is getting shorter. My goal is to run the entire length of the "American Pie" song by Don McClain....that is one long song. Thanks to all for the advice and encouragement. :smooched:
  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member
    You're right...it does get easier! I've been walking briskly (half up hill and half flat ground) for awhile and have been losing weight...but I wanted to start running. I tried running when I first started working out and it was HARD! Even though I've been overweight for a long time, I'm pretty athletic...but I am definately NOT a natural runner! But...I began adding some running to my walks last Sunday and it was so much easier than when I started working out! My goal is to add and extra minute of running each week.

    And here's a little tip that I read - don't worry about running fast. That is one of the reasons that people give up on running so easily...they run fast, which is harder, and thus give up. That was one of my problems...I have to remind myself to slow it down a little bit. I'm not try to win a race, I'm just trying to get fit!

    Congrats on pushing yourself and working towards your goals!!! And "American Pie" is one long song! Good luck on your goals! :happy:

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