Runners! Diagnose me!



  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    Thanks for the input guys! Like I said I'm just getting back into after taking 8 months off. I'll give it a little time and try to break them in a little more. And I'll take the advice from the person who said to run barefoot. I never really considered that but it definitely makes sense. I've been working on focusing on my form as well. I feel like a running virgin all over again :-P

    If you're going to try barefoot, you truly are a running virgin when you start that. I have a friend who runs barefoot (or in Vibrams) - she started almost 2 years ago and just in October ran her first half marathon in them (not her first half overall, just her first since transitioning). It was almost a year before she ran a 5K in them. You have to build up SLOWLY. When she started transitioning, she'd run MAYBE 1/4 mile in them and then go back to her other shoes and she gradually built from there.

    Just some advice on transitioning to minimalist running.
  • Sounds like it could be the shoes, but this might help you get a little more info. It's an app from runners world that let's you pinpoint pain and tells you what the cause could be.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    It sounds like you strained the tendon that runs behind and under your ankle bone. I am just recovering from that injury and my first suggestion is to NOT try to push through the pain. I did and had to take a month off from running and a week off from all cardio to allow it to heal. My second suggestion is to return the shoes and have them reanalyze your gait.
  • I have a very low arch and use my orthodic's every day. When I first got the orthodics I was told to break them in slowly by adding an hour to each day when I first got them until they became comfortable. It takes a long time to adjust, feet are funny things and oh so sensitive. I still have a hard time running. I love to run but I know I will never make it through a marathon because of my feet. Listen to the people at the runner's stores, they have had a ton of training to help you out. Also there is a return policy which is fabulous- b/c they want you to LOVE your shoes. Good Luck.