Hey Guys! No Mo' Fried Chicken!


This morning all I had in my fridge was a pizza, I'm pretty broke and thought hey, I'll eat it! But after I felt so crappy I decided it was time to get back to the weight loss program. I was pretty successful with the dukan diet but after christmas and some health complications my weight started creeping back up. I decided to do some research and found this forum through the 30 day shred before and after shots, and I was totally inspired!
I just did day 1, round 1 and hope to also have some great before and after pics!
i havent been part of a weight loss fitness forum before but I could definitely do with the moral support! Its hard to keep my diet right as my partner is diabetic so theres often sugary snacks around for his sugar lows, he is also a big snacker and lover of fast food (as am I, I would literally kill for fried chicken).
Anyway, howdy to everyone, and fingers crossed the weight loss will stick this time round!


  • ValRawn
    ValRawn Posts: 51 Member
    You will definitely be surrounded by a wonderful bunch of folks here. They are some of the most wonderful and supportive people I have ever met!
    Add me as a friend if you like!
    Good Luck!
  • welcome to MFP Good luck. You are going to like MFP!!
  • Hey!
    Sounds like we're in a similar boat. I just started the TURBO FIRE workouts and joined this site. I am hoping for some epic before and after shots as well !!
  • antlergirl
    antlergirl Posts: 55 Member
    Yay! Thanks for the messages and the friend adds. I just finished day 2, with my boyfriend in the room, I really didn't want him to see til like day 6 or 7 when my endurance is up (according to Jillian), oh well!