Tough Mudder anyone?



  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    I'll be running it in December in Tampa.
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    I too am doing Warrior Dash in a couple of months!
    Tough mudder is no joke! I'm training for it as my next milestone event after Warrior Dash. My bf had completed the tough Mudder in Atlanta a few weeks back and it kicked his @$$ ... he works out twice a day and is normally very active and does marathons several times a year. So the fact that he said it was a challenge was interesting. It is an all weather event so part of it was because it was a record cold weather the day he did it. Clothing and shoes are important but no matter what you will be cold and wet during the entire event. Right when you are about to be dry and warm up it's time to jump back into more water.

    He didn't really train for it, signed up like 2 weeks before the event. On their website they do have a training schedule if you want something to follow.

    All in all I think it's a great thing to try. And be prepared for them to make fun of Warrior Dash all through the course. lol Apparently they have a sign at the 5K mark that says "If this was Warrior Dash you'd be done by now."

    You should do it and have a blast! Good luck at WD!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Doing the one in PA in late April

    I bet that one is going to be beautiful in the Poconos .. not that you'll have much time or interest in looking around! GL!!
  • ster81
    ster81 Posts: 249
    Tough Mudder 2012 Norcal Patterson! got a solid squad coming in =P
  • menutrit
    menutrit Posts: 19
    I've done Warrior Dash NorCal and SF Urbanathalon. Both weren't bad at all so I'm stepping it up with Tough Mudder Norcal (Squaw Valley)! SO STOKED!
  • katiew00t
    katiew00t Posts: 164
    I've done Warrior Dash NorCal and SF Urbanathalon. Both weren't bad at all so I'm stepping it up with Tough Mudder Norcal (Squaw Valley)! SO STOKED!

  • quinto1025
    quinto1025 Posts: 53 Member
    Few days away from TM NE! getting pumped up.
  • MamaBear05
    MamaBear05 Posts: 100 Member
    Good luck and most importantly have fun!

    I did the TM in Arizona in January. It was a blast. Really only 2 of the obstacles were scary and/or painful. All of them require you to push yourself. I made it through all of the obstacles, including the monkey bars which I did hanging upside down using my legs and arms. The TM really is about teamwork and everyone helps everyone whether they know you or not. And it's as challenging as you want to make it.

    Let us know how it goes.
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    I love these runs. I've done two Warrior Dashes, Rugged Maniac, and Tough Mudder Arizona. Your best preparation is running. I would agree trail running would be preferable, but that is my preferred running anyway. Some upper body strength and grip strength is helpful also.

    Tough Mudder is meant for camaraderie, so you are encouraged to help each other through the obstacles and unless you're a total beast, some will require assistance. Some are just mental like swimming in ice water or jumping off a tall platform into water. The electric shock obstacles are just a cruel joke and they really do hurt when they get you. I saw the videos of people falling down when they got shocked and thought they were being dramatic until the same damn thing happened to me.

    I would wear light, fast-drying clothes. I wear amphibious shoes that drain water, running shorts, and a compression fit t-shirt that doesn't slop around and sag when it gets wet. Of course depending on the climate when you run it, you may have to adjust that. Our race was in January, and even though I was comfortable while running, by the time I got to the end and stopped moving I was so cold and shaking so badly that I had to hold my beer with both hands to keep it all from sloshing out of the cup.

    Overall the event is long and challenging. It will test you, but you will love it. Commit to yourself to at least try all the obstacles, even if you doubt yourself. You might be surprised. If you absolutely can't, you can always skip it but you're selling yourself short if you don't at least try unless you have some kind of medical condition or can't swim or something that actually makes the obstacle dangerous for you.

    Have fun and post about your experience with it!