Average weight for a 5 foot 6 inches female



  • claire7090
    149lbs and happy - makes me a uk dress size 12 (US dress size8).
  • beccasalo
    My goal is 165. I have a larger frame and huge boobs and hips.
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    Congrats n the weight loss !! I am 5' 6' and would like to get down to 165 for a first goal Ill be 52 next month this post was for Mary meadows
  • KellyEdwards85
    KellyEdwards85 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 5'6'' and currently weigh 133 lbs. I usually wear a size 6 in jeans. My goal weight is around 130.
  • TibbyL
    I'm 5'6 and currently 132lbs. Aiming for between 115 and 120, depending on how much muscle I gain. I may stay at 132 or even go up a bit if I gain lots of muscle :) really depends.
  • magoch
    magoch Posts: 134
    I had an appt with a doctor who specialises in fitness/nutrition and works primarily with people trying to lose weight. I asked this same question to set my goal weight (I was thinking 135, he thought 145 would be more likely for my body type). His advice was - once I start getting close to my goal weight to go get my body fat measured and decide my final goal based on that. He thought shooting for 20-23% body fat for a female non-athlete was a good range. His reasoning behind this was health related (that's a healthy fat % range). He also said this helps prevent the "skinny fat" issue -- where someones weight seems ok (and they wear a decent size), but they are flabby and not toned.

    If you read some of the (especially strength training) forums - you'll see a lot of people who have body weights that seem high, but their bodies are amazing, and their body fat percentages are low. The same weight of muscle is often more compact (and visually pleasing) than fat.

    A lot of gyms do the body fat measurement for a fee (mine will do it once a year as part of my membership), some nutitionists do it as well.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    My average weight is 135 pounds, I am medium framed.
    Me too.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    You can look up the "healthy weight range" on this website, or many others quite easily.
  • Katie3784
    Well, I'm 5'5" and weigh about 126lbs.
  • jnance82
    jnance82 Posts: 149
    Hi there my current weight is 169.8 and my goal weight is 165 because at that weight I am a size 8 and I do not wish to get smaller than that. I'm not sure if I have a lot of muscle weight or what because in looking at everyone else's posts who say that their average weight is 130-140 I would look HORRIBLE at that weight. When I did Weight Watchers in 2005 I got down to 143lbs which was a size 4 for me and I looked anorexic. When I got married in 2008 I was up to 160-165 and a size 8 and I looked great. All I know is for ME I wouldn't want to be any smaller than 165lbs.

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  • jnance82
    jnance82 Posts: 149
    I'm 5' 6" and current flucuating between 150 and 155 lbs. I'd like to be in the 145 - 150 lb range. I currently wear a size 8 with some 10s and 6s mixed in. I consider myself a medium frame. I was once in the low 140s - high 130s but everyone said I looked sick (not in a good way). I didn't feel good and every day was a struggle to maintain it. I fear 145 to 150 may be pushing it as I get close but never quite there and don't see to be able to hang on for long. Not sure what the right answer is. I guess you have to decide where you wan to land and how much you're will to work to stay there.

    Same thing for me!!!! At 143lbs my Mom and husband both said that I looked sick!!!!!

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  • Michelle7903
    I'm 5'6" and a medium build proportionate type. prior to having my daughter (whose 3yrs) I was always 125lbs. I'm 141 now and working on getting back to the 125. My doctor who I've had since I was 18 years, said that 125 is a good weight for my height and age (32). So I think a good average is 125 to 135 lbs.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,208 Member
    I'm 5'6" , 59, and currently 143. Dream of 135, but at my age not likely. Just thrilled I'm not over 200 any more. Congrats on your weight loss.
  • jnance82
    jnance82 Posts: 149
    My goal is 165. I have a larger frame and huge boobs and hips.

    I don't have huge boobs, but I have a booty (which I'd like to keep) :bigsmile: and hips. I'm not sure about whether I have a large frame, but I'm happy at how I look now aside from needing to work on my Mommy pouch. :grumble:

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  • MOS3
    MOS3 Posts: 134 Member
    I am 5"6 almost 49 yrs and 141 lbs - I wear a uk size 12 (sometimes a 10). I feel ok at this weight - but if I put on a few pounds I wouldn't stress. Btw to the person who posted above me. You look totally awsome and no where near your age. Well done
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    There is no such thing as an average weight.

    There is in fact such thing as an average weight, you find it by dividing the sum of all observations by the number of observations. Whether that value is a useful tool in evaluating ones current weight versus one's "ideal" weight is another question entirely.
  • gurganuss
    gurganuss Posts: 78 Member
    I am also 5'6" and right now I am 135 but my goal is to get to 130 maybe a little smaller depending on how I feel. I was at one time 114 and it was tooo small. My doctor said no lower than 120
  • diggly
    diggly Posts: 29 Member
    I think our definition of medium frames among the posters are somewhat different.

    I'm 5'6" and my heighest ever (excluding pregnancies) was 148lbs and lowest ever was 113lbs. I sit comfortably at around 120lbs or so. I know I'm medium frame because I was measured. I find it difficult to believe that the posters who have medium frames are aiming for 140 or more.

    Having said that, I'm more concerned with body fat percentage and aiming for a <18% BF for me.
  • Avengertk
    Golly, most of you are tiny lol I am 161lbs currently and hope to still loose another 14lbs. however I look best for my build around 150lbs. UK size 12/14 . Due to stress and illness several years ago did loose alot of weight and down to a UK size 8/10 and looks skeletol . It really is down to what you feel most comfortable with surely.
  • Avengertk
    I think our definition of medium frames among the posters are somewhat different.

    I'm 5'6" and my heighest ever (excluding pregnancies) was 148lbs and lowest ever was 113lbs. I sit comfortably at around 120lbs or so. I know I'm medium frame because I was measured. I find it difficult to believe that the posters who have medium frames are aiming for 140 or more.

    Having said that, I'm more concerned with body fat percentage and aiming for a <18% BF for me.

    mmm somewhat rude... i think i have a medium frame and simply would not suit 120lbs... and yes have been there ideal weight 150lbs so bite me.