Chest Cold - Need some healthy tips to maintain this set bac

Hi! I've been using MFP since the end of January and love it! I'm 6 lbs down and still losing slowly but surely and I'm okay with that. About .08 of a lb per week (I do cheat a bit on the weekends :))

This weekend I came down with an awful chest cold - it happened last year as well - and turned to acute Bronchitis. I know I need rest, rest, rest and lots of fluids if I want to kick it before it gets worse. So I don't want to do my normal exercise routine this week. I'd still like to stay on track or at least maintain, though!

How do all of you stay on track when you fall sick?

I will need to walk my dog regardless of being sick or not, so plan to do that as light exercise and maybe just some stretching for the aches and pains of feeling like hell....any healthy ideas for meals that would be beneficial? I really am very lucky and don't fall sick that often - and this is my first attempt at trying to shed some weight - so this is new to me. Thanks for your suggestions!