Heart Rate Monitors



  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I got my Polar FT4 on Amazon for $60 with free shipping, love it! I've had it for maybe 6 months now.
  • JayByrd107
    JayByrd107 Posts: 282 Member
    I've had the Polar FT4 for about two months now and it's great. I was going to get the FT7 but after doing some comparison shopping I concluded that the only major difference is that the FT7 has the ability to upload your workout to the polar website if you buy an ~$80 attachment. I can do without that, so I went with the FT4 on Amazon.com and saved myself about $20.
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    I've had the Polar FT4 for about two months now and it's great. I was going to get the FT7 but after doing some comparison shopping I concluded that the only major difference is that the FT7 has the ability to upload your workout to the polar website if you buy an ~$80 attachment. I can do without that, so I went with the FT4 on Amazon.com and saved myself about $20.

    Great info to know thanks!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    A HRM will be one of the best investments you ever make! When my last Polar died and the battery could not be replaced-I bought a Sportline . Works exactly the same cost was $49.00. I do believe Polar has now changed the battery feature and it can be replaced.
  • ChrisWag
    ChrisWag Posts: 169
    I bought a $50 one from walmart, chest strap included and LOVE it! It was easy to set up, and works great!!!
  • julie82070
    julie82070 Posts: 22 Member
    Yes, a HRM is a GREAT purchase..you won't regret it! The calorie database for exercise on MFP vary a LOT so I really recommend buying one. I have a timex that I love, but I've heard great things about the Polar brands too. I use mine all the time - even wore is skiing one day, just to see... :) It makes working out more fun if you can really gauge how hard you're working through caloried burned! Good luck!

    i want to use the heart rate monitor to track heart rate/calories burned through both strength training and cardo/aerobic training. because i have no way to check my heart rate at its peak during the exercise (esp during 45 mins of cardio), i really don't know whether to trust MFP or the machine or the multitude of websites out there that simply base it on my age and weight. i figure since i measure my meats and cheeses i should measure my elliptical and treadmill time too!
  • noexcuses84
    noexcuses84 Posts: 100 Member
    i just got my ft4 and its awesome! a 30 min on treadmill says i burned 180 cals but my HRM says i burned 380!!! HUGE difference for me. that being said u still need to subtract ur bmr from the cals on ur hrm before adding the exercise to mfp. shop around and i would definately recommend going for a polar. good luck!!
    I'm curious, what are you doing on the treadmill? Walking, slow jog, medium jog, run?

    My first thought was that your HRM was way off ... but then 180 calories for 30 minutes seems low. But in the end it depends on what you are doing. 380 is probably more accurate.

    Unfortunately, I see the opposite affect. Did 65 minutes on the elliptical. The machine read 1021 and my HRM read 949. I went with the HRM since it was lower.
    just walking at this stage. 5-6 km per hr at about 3-5 incline. i still have about 30 kgs to lose so i am expecting this to drop a little as my fitness improves.