Intro- WLS and here I am.


I just wanted to say hello to everyone. I'm new and really need some support, inspiration and motivation to get control of my weight again.
My surgery was 10 years ago and somehow someway I find myself needing to lose abought 40 pounds to get back to a healthy weight. I know people think that weight loss surgery is permanent but I've met a lot of people who have started putting the weight back on.I think it's because the surgery causes weight loss but doesn't deal with the reason people get heavy in the first place.
I've always used food as a comfort thing, I deserve cookies because life hard.
I even got myself so in denial that I thought my surgery was some sort of magic wand that would keep me from gaining weight. I refused to weigh myself even. I just couldn't face the fct that after everything I've been through to lose weight, here I am again. I figured out that I've been eating about 3000 to 4000 calories a day. I just wasn't paying atention to what I was eating.
But atleast I finally got on the scale today. I'm ready to take responsibility for my choices.
I think it's a start in the right direction and I'm excited to be in this forum and get inspiration from all these successes.
Please friend me! I can't do this alone!!