MFP Round #2

After my 21st birthday in September 2011, I decided I wanted to get back in shape and get to my high school weight of 120. I went from 137 to 132 and then I got knocked off the wagon :(. Well I'm back and ready to try again and this time I'm going to succeed :). I'm starting at a 1200 calorie limit, I have a fitbit, and I'm going to do 30DS as well as 6 days a week at the gym which is my usual when I'm in shape. I can't wait to post before and after pictures in a couple months when I reach that goal and I'd appreciate all the support I can get!

SW: 137 lbs
CW: 137 lbs
GW: 120-125 lbs (depends how I look)
Bust: 35.75"
Waist: 29"
Waist at navel: 30.5"
Hips: 39"