Love handles?

jdp21 Posts: 155 Member
So, I went shopping for clothes today, feeling good about myself and the weather's been pretty nice lately. I was at American Eagle trying on some shorts, which fit nicely, and then two shirts that were a little snug but they fit, however... I seem to have the unfortunate "muffin top", where my love handles/stomach fat kinda hang over the sides of my jeans/shorts. These shirts really highlighted this, so I was just wondering if anyone knows of any particular exercises that can help get rid of these? Or is it the same as stomach exercises -- doing crunches and such? Thanks!


  • jdp21
    jdp21 Posts: 155 Member
    So, I went shopping for clothes today, feeling good about myself and the weather's been pretty nice lately. I was at American Eagle trying on some shorts, which fit nicely, and then two shirts that were a little snug but they fit, however... I seem to have the unfortunate "muffin top", where my love handles/stomach fat kinda hang over the sides of my jeans/shorts. These shirts really highlighted this, so I was just wondering if anyone knows of any particular exercises that can help get rid of these? Or is it the same as stomach exercises -- doing crunches and such? Thanks!
  • lizbeth787
    lizbeth787 Posts: 101 Member
    cardio cardio cardio!!!!!! I have found that, yes, abdominal exercises and strength training do help, but cardio is KEY!!!!
  • kellya
    kellya Posts: 208
    hi there ..... i do a move, well a couple that are similar. standing, with feet just about hip width apart, and knees slightly bent, keep your body facing straight, and slightly bend to the R and slide R hand down R hip area, while raising your left arm/elbow up that side of the body can do a slight hold too. then back to the middle starting position and bend to the L, the same movement. I have done this with hand held wts or without. it is a slight stretch to the side/waist line, lessening the muffin top. good luck!
  • tig3rang3l
    tig3rang3l Posts: 270 Member
    I'm hearing good things about interval and circuit training... I'm trying that at the moment. Apparently that burns more fat as opposed to muscle. I've read a few good posts and blogs on this, you just have to go digging a bit.
  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member
    Ugh! I HATE love handles! Anything that horrible should not have the word "love" associated with it! Haha. That seems to be the last/hardest area to get into shape! I've been doing a lot of cardio but haven't done too much when it comes to specific stomach exercises. And I have definately noticed the love handles getting less and less - And I've lost about 2 inches. I've read that cardio is key. Fitness experts have said that no matter how many crunches you do, you still have to lose the extra fat around your muscles for them to be defined.
    I did start doing stomach workouts (I've been doing Jackie Warners Workout One-On-One DVD) to try and get ahead of the maybe I'll have more sculpted abs by the time I reach my target weight. :tongue:

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  • stephfannie86
    I do that excercise and it really is helpful!
  • bathedinshadow
    bathedinshadow Posts: 117 Member
    Okay... not to dismiss any of the post prior... but that is 100% about cardio and eating right!!! I think a lot of people may get results from stomach exercise just because they have a lot to lose. You can do all the stomach exercises in the world, and it is not going to make that last bit go away. Stomach exercises BUILD muscle. Not that that is a bad thing by any means, but unless you are doing cardio, stomach exercises are only going to build muscle underneath the fat. So do both if you'd like.... but make sure you are getting in cardio. If cardio doesn't work on it's own, then you may need to clean up your diet a bit. I know a lot of the focus here is about how many calories, but when you are talking the last bit of fat around the stomach.... it's also about what kind of calories. Bread, sugar, salt, etc... are things that often prevent people who eat a reasonable caloric count and exercise regularly from achieving what you're wanting. With that said, some people are able to eat that stuff and still get it. That part boils down to genetics. So try including more cardio and see what happens. If that doesn't help, then I would consider cleaning up your diet a bit. And if that doesn't do it... it might just be about genetics. Some people are genetically bound to carry a bit more fat unfortunately.
  • jdp21
    jdp21 Posts: 155 Member
    Thanks for the all the advice, guys!

    And yeah, I don't think I have to worry about genetics. Both my parents are kinda big, but my sister and none of my brothers are (and my parents used to be quite small themselves once upon a time), so I'm thinking it could possibly be a diet thing. It's so hard to fight those sugars and carbs! Haha.

    I'll definitely work on throwing in more cardio, though. Once my legs finally heal up (they're still sore from climbing 22 flights of stairs; need time to heal!), I'm going back out for a jog.
  • bathedinshadow
    bathedinshadow Posts: 117 Member
    When I say it might be genetics... I'm not really talking about being a healthy weight. I'm more talking about if you want that idealized body image.

    And just to clear up the bread thing... I'm not bashing on carbs. In fact I'm very much against the whole anti-carb mentality. There are other components to bread that make it bad. Of course the simple carbs don't help!! But yes... ultimately sugar, glucose.... In all fairness though, I LOVE bread and I will continue eating it. I'm lucky enough that I have some genetics on my side and it doesn't seem to affect me though. But as my trainer once told me, you have to decide if omitting certain things from your diet, decrease your quality of life to the point where you won't continue. Food is a huge part of a culture and it should be enjoyed. It's about balance!

    Good luck with your goal! Wanting it enough to do it is half the battle. Do a little cardio for me too would ya? :tongue: I've torn some ligaments in my knee and I'm out of commission for who knows how long. Very depressing!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Yep, JD, its all about the fat burn. There are lots of ways to get there, but they all take time. Love handles are just another common place for the body to store adipose (body) fat. And like the stomach, butt, and thighs, you can't spot train them for fat reduction.

    Straight cardio is good, and High intensity interval training is even better (if your body can handle it) for fat burn. It's gonna take a little while, and eating the right amounts of food, the right kinds of food, at the right times of the day will be a huge factor in how long it takes.
  • Cariñosita
    Cariñosita Posts: 184 Member
    I agree with the cardio statements. I have found that, for me at least, you need to do oblique exercises as well. Stretch those muscles and use light weights. You will notice a difference. Good Luck!!