Anybody juicing?



  • nanzbtheone
    I think it's a great way to detox ..........

    Sorry, the word "detox" drives me insane.

    What, specifically do you mean by it? Are you suggesting that drinking juice will do something that your kidneys and liver can't?

    Some of the juices are high in fiber and also have a mild laxative effect. Many are often accompanied with ginger which has an anti-inflammatory effect. This can help you heal an inflamed gut and shed leftover sticky stool that is thought by MD's to be the origin of diverticular disease and mild malabsorption problems.

    Some of the juices have a mild diuretic effect and also boost liver and kidney function by giving it the raw materials they need.

    All of the juices flood your body with micronutrientes and perhaps also beneficial bacteria in concentrations you simply wouldn't be able to consume in a normal diet. This can help boost deficiencies and improve the normal flora of the gut. All very healthy.

    Part of juicing and juice fasting is abstaining from many foods and drink that you may be over-consuming or have a mild intolerance or allergy to (but not realize it). During a juice fast you are maintaining very high quality nutrition while letting these other foods or drink get out of your system. It also tends to reprogram your taste buds and you tend to loose unhealthy cravings and instead crave more healthy, raw, and plant-based foods.

  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I'm thinking of doing one of the reboot programs where you combine juicing and food, with 5 days of juicing only. I normally dislike the "fads" but I believe in this. Juicing has been around for a long time, I remember juicing with my parents. Then after doing a reboot just incorporating it into my daily life.

    I believe in unicorns, but that doesn't mean I'll fart rainbows if I stick skittles up my *kitten*.

    WTF? Then why do I have these skittles up my butt?
    You trying to be a human pinata?

    My fault. I thought that putting skittles in a panda's butt would turn them to in to actual fruit. For juicing.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    All of the juices flood your body with micronutrientes and perhaps also beneficial bacteria in concentrations you simply wouldn't be able to consume in a normal diet. This can help boost deficiencies and improve the normal flora of the gut. All very healthy.

    Unless you are a nutritionist, which I dont see anything about you stating are one, did you know that a daily vitamin and suppliments does this too?And the body can only absorb so much nutrition at a given time...

    Juicing, Fasting,'s all another means of marketing. Save your money...THERE IS NO MAGIC BULLET TO WEIGHT LOSS. Eat well, in moderation, and move your body. Amazing are the results.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    how do you juice a steak?
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I'm thinking of doing one of the reboot programs where you combine juicing and food, with 5 days of juicing only. I normally dislike the "fads" but I believe in this. Juicing has been around for a long time, I remember juicing with my parents. Then after doing a reboot just incorporating it into my daily life.

    I believe in unicorns, but that doesn't mean I'll fart rainbows if I stick skittles up my *kitten*.

    WTF? Then why do I have these skittles up my butt?
    You trying to be a human pinata?

    My fault. I thought that putting skittles in a panda's butt would turn them to in to actual fruit. For juicing.

  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I'm thinking of doing one of the reboot programs where you combine juicing and food, with 5 days of juicing only. I normally dislike the "fads" but I believe in this. Juicing has been around for a long time, I remember juicing with my parents. Then after doing a reboot just incorporating it into my daily life.

    I believe in unicorns, but that doesn't mean I'll fart rainbows if I stick skittles up my *kitten*.

    WTF? Then why do I have these skittles up my butt?
    You trying to be a human pinata?

    My fault. I thought that putting skittles in a panda's butt would turn them to in to actual fruit. For juicing.


    *sits down next to E, hands her some wine*
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    I'm thinking of doing one of the reboot programs where you combine juicing and food, with 5 days of juicing only. I normally dislike the "fads" but I believe in this. Juicing has been around for a long time, I remember juicing with my parents. Then after doing a reboot just incorporating it into my daily life.

    I believe in unicorns, but that doesn't mean I'll fart rainbows if I stick skittles up my *kitten*.

    WTF? Then why do I have these skittles up my butt?
    You trying to be a human pinata?

    My fault. I thought that putting skittles in a panda's butt would turn them to in to actual fruit. For juicing.


    *sits down next to E, hands her some wine*

    Panda apples?
  • jsherrill92
    jsherrill92 Posts: 775 Member
    I prefer to chew my food!
  • perpetuallyfit
    perpetuallyfit Posts: 153 Member
    I lost about 15 lbs on juicing. But I could not pull an all juice fast. I felt faint and light headed and nearly passed out. But two meals replaced by juicing really helped me. But now I am off it and am just counting calories. I wish I could go back to juicing. The weight came off so fast. But it is such a pain juicing and buying produce! :(
    I loved " Fat,Sick and Nearly Dead". I do have the mean green juice every 15 days or so. Maybe I would feel inspired by you and go back to juicing for two meals. Please add me!:flowerforyou:
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    I juice on occasion, but never for entire days at a time. I usually have some apple cucumber ginger juice in addition to a nice meal. I haven't quite done meal replacement juicing yet.
  • lissadavis
    lissadavis Posts: 20 Member
    Saw "fat, sick and nearly dead" and thought it was a great movie- I think it works well for some people. For me, I did a green smoothie diet before, and started to get yeast infections because of too much fructose (I think, at least that's the only theory I could come up with b/c I can get them from too much sugar). So my only advice would be to watch your glycemic load.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    No, I adore the VITAMIX - it is much better for you than "juicing"
  • lisanxd
    lisanxd Posts: 93
    I'm thinking of doing one of the reboot programs where you combine juicing and food, with 5 days of juicing only. I normally dislike the "fads" but I believe in this. Juicing has been around for a long time, I remember juicing with my parents. Then after doing a reboot just incorporating it into my daily life.

    I believe in unicorns, but that doesn't mean I'll fart rainbows if I stick skittles up my *kitten*.

    It's people like you who make the message boards an unfriendly place. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean you have to be tacky and rude.
  • caddygarcia123
    caddygarcia123 Posts: 122 Member
    I'm thinking of doing one of the reboot programs where you combine juicing and food, with 5 days of juicing only. I normally dislike the "fads" but I believe in this. Juicing has been around for a long time, I remember juicing with my parents. Then after doing a reboot just incorporating it into my daily life.

    I believe in unicorns, but that doesn't mean I'll fart rainbows if I stick skittles up my *kitten*.

    you should try it you never know!!! Ill hand you a bag of skittles if youd like dear LOL
  • Roxey7
    Roxey7 Posts: 10
    Yes - I have juiced on and off for years and I love the way it makes me feel - my husband gives me a lot of flack for it and no other support at home though - so I often just give up! But it is the best thing in the world for you..many people say - but you dont get the fiber - BUT - you are getting so much can get your fiber from other sources....I met The Juiceman - Jay Kordich and have his autograph and his juicer...I have had that juicer for over 15 years and never had a problem with it. Get his book... you should not mix anything in your juices - like powders....couple of carrots, an apple, parsley...cucumber, green pepper, many combos...carrots have more calcium in them then milk! and fresh orange juice is is pineapple juice and watermlon...and the list goes on! Don't let anyone tell you any differnt - it is GOOD for you!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Married to a powerlifter, this question has a totally different connotation.
  • Kimc935
    Kimc935 Posts: 19 Member
    The documentary "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" changed my eating habbits. I don't juice but I make green smoothies. To make a smoothie for 2 blend 1/2 head romain lettus, 2 bannanas and 2 cups of water. I also add fresh or frozen fuit. This is such a great way to get more fruites and veggies in. I saw that movie last summer and 6 months before that I had started a spinning class. Once I began doing a smoothie in the morning and spinning at night my life changed. My appitite began to decrease and pounds started coming off. Some nights I'll have a smoothie for dinner. I'm down 25 lbs. and I did it the healthy way. I just found myfitnesspal two days ago and plan on getting rid of another 15lbs with the help of smoothies and my fitness. Good luck
  • VBos
    VBos Posts: 213 Member
    LOVE my juicer!!
  • Fairy_Farts
    Fairy_Farts Posts: 166 Member
    I cannot answer this without getting banned.

    Darn. I tried to find another way to say it, but no.... I still can't answer it safely.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    I generally eat whole foods, but start every day with a green smoothie, usually pumped up with some vegan protein powder.

    I do like fresh veggie juices too, usually if I've eaten pretty heavy for lunch, a nice fresh veggie juice (cucumber, carrot, ginger, apple, for instance) will round out my day nicely. I also really do like wheatgrass juice, so will add that to a smoothie, or drink it straight, occasionally.

    Juicing is certainly one way to start getting more veggies into your diet, until you are used to them and can eat them straight.