Best TRUE reason for being late to work?

sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
I'm sure most of us have slept through the alarm, had to get changed after the baby threw up on us, had the broken down car etc as reasons for being late for school or work. But what's your best or most unusual reason - it's got to be true!

I was late this morning because I was cycling to work and found a cow wandering along a 100kmh road at dawn. I called the police who asked me to stay with the cow to try and warn traffic. This is quite a busy road at this hour of the day.

15 minutes later the farmer turned up looking for his cow (he was grateful), 20 minutes later the cops arrived.

I got chilled (as I had already warmed up riding), and wet but at least there were no accidents.


  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I've been stuck behind tractors going 20 miles an hour countless times. Luckily, it's not that common now, since I leave for work at 4:30 am.
  • Miss♥Ivi
    I'm in Miami. Land of the nut jobs.

    I was late to work one morning because traffic was backed up in my neighborhood. Couldn't get out past the 4 way stop that leads to the main road. It turns out, someone had sacrificed chickens and had left them in the middle of that 4 way stop and cops weren't letting people through until they had it cleaned up.

    Go figure :laugh:
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    That is awesome! How'd your boss handle the chicken sacrifice excuse?
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    I was trying to catch a budgie that had escaped from somewhere. Once I had caught it, I then had to figure out what to do with it. Eventually I found a shoebox, thank the gods it was bin day, & kept it in there till I got to work. One of my collegues kept birds so she took it & it settled in with it's new pals.
    Never did find out where it had come from.
  • Miss♥Ivi
    That is awesome! How'd your boss handle the chicken sacrifice excuse?

    Oh she believed me lol...It's Miami haha
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    This is the most horrible reason I have been late to work. A dog ran out in front of me on a country road, in the dark. There was nothing I could do to avoid hitting him. I felt horrible. I pulled over and cried. Went and picked up my boyfriend, we went back and tried to wake the owners. I don't believe in hit-and-run and leave laying there. Couldn't wake them. I got a towel out of my truck and covered the poor dog. My bf went back later in the morning to talk to owners. Before he could even explain to them that his girlfriend hit the dog, the ahole says "Yeah, well, at least they had the decency to pull him off the road and cover him up." I cried off and on all day because I'd "killed" a dog.
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    This is the most horrible reason I have been late to work. A dog ran out in front of me on a country road, in the dark. There was nothing I could do to avoid hitting him. I felt horrible. I pulled over and cried. Went and picked up my boyfriend, we went back and tried to wake the owners. I don't believe in hit-and-run and leave laying there. Couldn't wake them. I got a towel out of my truck and covered the poor dog. My bf went back later in the morning to talk to owners. Before he could even explain to them that his girlfriend hit the dog, the ahole says "Yeah, well, at least they had the decency to pull him off the road and cover him up." I cried off and on all day because I'd "killed" a dog.

    Oh, that is so sad! I hit a dog one day and felt really bad, too. The owner was there and took it to the vet. I rang the vet later to see how the dog was and the vet yelled at me because I hit the dog - it had run out in front of me from between parked cars. I didn't have a chance of missing it.
  • Tiff587
    Tiff587 Posts: 264 Member
    While I was getting ready for work my shower unit fell off the wall and hit my in the head. I fell onto the shower door and out the shower. It hurt a lot!! My house mate came running at noise and found me on the floor naked! :blushing: Awkward!
    I cracked my head open and had to get the blood out of my hair before going to work. My boss sent me home without pay for being late! :sad: Bad day!

  • sirihermine
    sirihermine Posts: 123 Member
    there once was a huge, angry bull in our garden. It had escaped the transportation to the slaughter house and decided to stay in our garden. Didn't go out of the door until the vet came and put it down... Scary moment, when you wake up and there's a huge bull looking though your living room window... *Shudder* (and I live in a city, so it's not like I'm used to seeing farm animals around, even cows scare me a little)
  • mikonei
    mikonei Posts: 291 Member
    I called in with a fractured toe, which wasn't the weird part. My boss asked what happened and I explained that I was going down the carpeted stairs in my socks and a moth flew in front of my face. I am terrified of moths, so I jerked back while swatting at it. My feet slipped out from under me, and while the rest of me slid down the stairs without harm, one toe managed to slip in between the bars in the railing where it bent back and fractured : / Such a giant dork.
  • Tiff587
    Tiff587 Posts: 264 Member
    I called in with a fractured toe, which wasn't the weird part. My boss asked what happened and I explained that I was going down the carpeted stairs in my socks and a moth flew in front of my face. I am terrified of moths, so I jerked back while swatting at it. My feet slipped out from under me, and while the rest of me slid down the stairs without harm, one toe managed to slip in between the bars in the railing where it bent back and fractured : / Such a giant dork.

    :laugh: My brother did the same thing! x
  • chunk1691
    chunk1691 Posts: 90 Member
    i was once late for work because i had a perm on my hair and it went wrong, i looked awful and spent the whole morning crying, luckily my boss was very understanding and let me have a few hours off to go to a different hairdressers to get it sorted out, lol.
  • rdzilla
    rdzilla Posts: 113 Member
    In Singapore the excuse "I didn't want to break a sweat" always applies.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    there once was a huge, angry bull in our garden. It had escaped the transportation to the slaughter house and decided to stay in our garden. Didn't go out of the door until the vet came and put it down... Scary moment, when you wake up and there's a huge bull looking though your living room window... *Shudder* (and I live in a city, so it's not like I'm used to seeing farm animals around, even cows scare me a little)

    I al actually sad that bull had to be put down- I do understand that if it was angry and out of contril but at the same time wish it could have found a good home, after all it escape slaughterhouse transport- at any rate being put down by the vet is bound to be a better death...

    we have lots of cows near us- I love them -they will often walk alongside me if I am walking through pasture land
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    I have been stuck behind tractors many times- the worst incidence was when the tractors made me 4 hours late for work- - my former office is in the center of Brussels, and I had to drive through the European Union government district (EU parliament offices, plus all the organizations that frequent the same) anyway , a few years back, many Farmers were protesting some regulations and drove to Brussels on their tractors from France, Germany, the Netherlands, etc- the highway I take also extends to the Netherlands, France,Luxembourg - you get the idea- while I believe most of the farmers transporter their tractors on trucks for most of the way, by the time they reached my area they were driving their tractors directly on the road- speedlimit in my area is 120 km ph (about 70-75mph) and tractors generally do not reach that speed- well since it was on the news my company couldn't really give me a hard time about it! (Plus since trains and busses were on strike that day as well many of my other colleagues were just a late if they came to work at all!)
  • mrlazy1967
    mrlazy1967 Posts: 285 Member
    I once worked with a guy who was late because he slipped and fell into a canal
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    I went into labor.
  • iwannablean
    iwannablean Posts: 28 Member
    I have no out-of-the box reasons for being late to work! They are the usual ones really.. But last week, when I broke all of my "reaching work late" records and reached work an hour and a half late, I wanted to tell my boss that I was training her in anger management. Like "am your today's module on anger management"! :P
    Ofcourse, I never did that! :(
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    My car was written off in a crash on the way into work. The police dropped me off. Everyone was very suprised I was there and I was very suprised that they were so suprised
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    In Singapore the excuse "I didn't want to break a sweat" always applies.

    Love that! :laugh: