Guilt - is there something wrong with me?

So, I started here last Friday. We're talking three days (and feeling good so far).
For the most part (ignore Saturday) I have kept under my calories goals and just generally been making healthier choices (more fruit wooh!).
You can see my food diary here:

Today I have stuck to my 1200 calories.
Except - I felt guilty at dinner time when I had my crispbake/rice/broccoli.

I kid you not, 398 calories of general healthiness and I feel guilty for 'eating so much'.

Is there something wrong with me?

Bit of background, maybe? I have had some issues in the past. I occasionally suffer from depression (although not right now and not since a spell at the start of January this year), There was a time when I was younger where I ate less than 400 calories per day and lost quite a bit of weight (but plateau-ed, gave up, and returned to sanity - thankfully.) And there are maybe one or two other things not directly related to food.

When I did this whole stupid under-eating thing I felt really guilty whenever I ate food, even something really small.

It's not the same thing, surely? I mean, I have been sticking to my calorie goals. I had dark chocolate today. There are no issues now.

So why the hell do I feel guilty?


  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    Sounds like you have some emotional issues that are attached to food maybe?

    For me, I finally had success in changing how I ate when it was a whole body thing.........mind/body/soul. If you don't get past your feelings and emotions about eating that may be holding you back, you are probably going to struggle to be successful.

    And.........three days is nothing. It might be a good idea to set yourself up with a 2 or 3 week check in time frame. Say, every 2 weeks you weigh in and evaluate your menu and work outs and just give yourself that whole two weeks to work, and not judge yourself. ???

    Good luck. :)