a little help with perspective.

I could use your help. I have a Sociology assignment due and I'd like your input. The assignment is to comment on the topic of where our idea of beauty comes from. Is it biological or cultural? But my question to you, is why do you do MFP? is it for appearance or for health or for both? what takes priority in your book? I have a hypothesis that men and women differ on this. Please comment with your personal perspective.


  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    I'm on here for my health. TBH I'm not that bothered over how I look. I've never been a 'beauty', so have very little vanity, but I do want to get fitter.
  • bellevie23
    bellevie23 Posts: 208 Member
    Cultural. (1st ?), Accountability mainly (2nd ?) Appearance primarily, health being a plus (3rd ?), Health should, but I consider self esteem a part of health and someone's self image matters in that, so appearance is a part of health to me, mental health. (4th)
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    For my health. I like seeing that I'm getting a better shape as I lose, but that's not why I'm doing this and I'd be happy even if there were some magic way to become healthy whilst still looking obese.
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    I am definitely on here for both. I do recognize that I want to be healthy and live a long happy life, but I also want to look hot. That is the facts. I want to be able to wear nice clothes and feel confident in my appearance.
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,726 Member
    First and foremost I am here for my health. I have type 2 diabetes and would like to be able to control it through diet. So far, I am not insulin dependent. I would like to be able to be off the medications that I am on for it and high blood pressure. Everything else is secondary to my health - in my opinion.

  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I think it depends where you're at in your life. When I was in my 20s I worked out for aesthetics. Now nearing 40 it's almost entirely for health and looks be damned. I suspect that when I'm in my 60s aesthetics won't play any role at all in my gym visits.
  • SnowWhite824
    I could use your help. I have a Sociology assignment due and I'd like your input. The assignment is to comment on the topic of where our idea of beauty comes from. Is it biological or cultural? But my question to you, is why do you do MFP? is it for appearance or for health or for both? what takes priority in your book? I have a hypothesis that men and women differ on this. Please comment with your personal perspective.

    I think a persons idea of beauty comes from within (like being born gay or straight), but can be altered with outside images. Its up to the individual how much outside opinions alter our own thoughts and feelings.
    As far as why I'm on here, is for vanity reasons. I'm not unhealthy at all. I want to look better in my clothes. Its a plus being on here because you can go to the forums and learn about a new healthy (low calorie/fat) food that you didn't know of before. But mostly, I like it here so I can keep track of my intake and my output during exercise.

    Just to add - I feel that this is probably the real reason for 95% of the women on here (unless there are true health issues involved). But most will never admit it. Goes with the "I'm above everyone else while on the internet" persona that everyone trys to convey.
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    I believe where we get our idea of beauty is a nature vs. nurture kind of thing. I feel like it is what you are used to seeing in your formative years - nurture. I joined MFP because I was tired of being fat and looking so bad. I now have goals of losing weight to be more fit and healthy to be more active, but that has evolved from my original thought that fat was ugly.

    Hope that helps!
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    i'm here for the physical...i was very inspired to be a bodybuilder early when i started but i have seen to have lost that motivation and just want to look in shape to be admired by boys/girls. I might still wanna compete later...
    as for beauty, i think it's biological. I am hispanic, born and raised half my life in Colombia. I always seem to be attracted to girls that are spanish (or seem spanish) you know tanned skin and black hair/eyes. I guess our preferences comes from genes in our families.
  • kellybell1110
    kellybell1110 Posts: 7 Member
    When I was younger it was for culture. I was trying to obtain what the world defined as beauty to be a certain size, look a certain way..then and only then would I feel complete. Well I did obtain those goals and I was more miserable and empty. That is when God spoke to me. Over the past 10 years it has become so much more then that. I want to be the size God designed me to be, He handcrafted my body to be a living temple for Him! I need to be mindful that my body is not my own it was paid for, by a God that loved me and died for me. So that is my main motivation I want to be strong and healthy for God, my family and for myself. It is the process and being content right where I am and knowing that I am pressing on to the goal set before me spiritually, mentally and physically!
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Both, my tipping point was looking at photos and realizing just how much weight I had gained. I felt I looked unattractive and I knew that I was overweight which was unhealthy. So I decided to do something about both!
  • crimboqueen
    crimboqueen Posts: 1 Member
    I think ones perspective changes over time - especially if you have been over weight for a long time. For me my early 20's were a struggle, and self image was very important to me. I guess we all want to fit in.

    However in my middle to late 30's I began to 'grow into my own skin' and stopped letting what others think of me have such an impact.

    My weight loss goals are now more health related. I now feel for the first time how my weight gain is resticting my life and its quality, so its time to do something about it - for good!

    I haven't been with MFP long, but have found that recording my in take has made me more aware of what I eat and it is having a possitive affect.