weights and cardio= no weight loss???



  • klt2011
    klt2011 Posts: 9 Member
    I agree, there are a lot of processed food on your list. Try adding more fruits and veggies, this should also help in your weight loss.
  • JoanneStone
    JoanneStone Posts: 135 Member
    I agree, it all seems to be mainly carbs, very little real protein!
  • MommaToFour
    Up your protein and make the tape measure your best friend instead of the scale constantly being your enemy! I've lost tons of inches in the last 60 days but only 5 pounds! I <3 my tape measure! :)
  • klewis89
    Got it. That was only one day, just as an example. The muffins that are on the list are homemade and do contain fresh berries. But also, trying to watch the sugar content, which fruits are high in "natural sugars". But I do agree, that I need to put more veggies in the mix. This is all still a WIP (work in progress). I have always thought that 1200 calories a day was low, especially with working out as much as I have been lately. I went and added another account and it still has me down for 1200 a day. So should I stay at that amount (there are days that I do eat that much, but afraid to go over it).....
  • cari_j2luv
    Do not always rely on the scale to measure your progress! If you notice yourself getting toner and leaner you may just be gaining muscle mass and since muscle is heavier than fat it would seem as though you are not losing any weight but in reality you are making progress. Instead weighing yourself, try taking measurements instead so you can more accurately track your progress. Hope you can understand what I was trying to say ^^ and I hope this helps.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    more calories are needed. plateauing is most often due to the body's desire for more fuel. it has become 'conditioned' to the activities you're doing, and needs to be challenged, confused and switched around. perhaps try switching your goals on here to maintenance or .5 lbs/week; that should up your calorie intake, which should help get you over the hump
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    You need to increase your calories and protein! Can't loose without fueling the fire. You can't build muscle with out providing enough protein. take a look at "The new rules of lifting for women" lot of very good info.