
My name is Kym and I'm new to this site. I work at a family health and fitness club part time. I do front desk type work (greeting, retail sales type things etc, I am also a certified swim instructor )
I had gastric bypass 4 1/2 years ago and lost 126 lbs. I am very glad I had this procedure done so please no comments that it doesn't work etc that everyone that has had it has heard. I have been very successful with the weight loss and exercising. I am on this to help track my food, calorie intake and exercise. I need the motivation and support as the group I used to go to is on a night that I am unavailable. At work we are also doing an "I lost it" program and every week it's a new contest to keep up motivation. Some of my team members may be on this site so GO TEAM!
For people that are interested, my highest weight was 293, and my lowest 159, I am currently at 175 and would like to get back to 165 as that seems to be a healthy place to be. I am 5'81/2, and wear roughly a size 10/12.