No weight loss this past week :(

I didn't have any weight loss this past week :( I didn't gain so that is good, and I know it is too soon for a plateau but it is discouraging. Anyone else in the same boat?


  • I am in the same situation. I have flucuated up and down 1 or 2lbs for the lasr twi weeks. It is very frustrating. I list 10lbs in the first 5 weeks and now nothing. Some days I wonder why even bother, but I know I have to keep trying. I think if I am still not losing me the end of next week I am going to talk to my doctor. Maybe sinething is preventing me from losing. I am hitting my goals except foe a few days here and there.

    Keep it up, I am sure the weight will start dropping again.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Can you open up your diary so we can see what you are eating and drinking? It would make it a bit easier to help you out :)
  • anfmusicgrl
    anfmusicgrl Posts: 63 Member
    Did you start exercising within the last few weeks?

    I went from sedentary to exercising 4-6 days per week, and had a few stalls at first.. I was losing inches, but the weight would get stuck on a few pounds.

    Eventually it starting coming off faster..and I think it was due to my muscles retaining water from new physical activity. Especially the strength training.

    Don't give up. :) I had plenty of times the weight was stuck a week or two, but then I'd lose like 5 lbs in one week. Weight loss for me has not been linear, but over time, is as consistent as I am to logging calories and exercising! Good Luck!