I have noticed a trend...

The trend that I am speaking of happens to be eating really bad every couple of days. The other days I eat about 1,200 calories and all really healthy foods. Then everything goes south. Either something really bad happens, I get stressed, or I just can't take the cravings any longer and I go INSANE.
So, any tips for helping me stay on track and lose the ten pounds I have put on due to this binging/emotional eating?


  • mandimommy
    I have lost 22 pounds facing similar struggles. What works for me is to exercise regularly and take a day off from restricting calories once a week. I allow myself to go over, indulge in whatever I want in moderation. Helps me avoid doing that the rest of the week! I have been doing this since August and am very close to my goal weight, plus really toned.
  • jude7701
    1200 Calories isn't much- It may be sending your body the wrong signals! I used to do the same thing. Try eating a little more, each day, and allowing yourself a treat here and there. It helped me get out of that pattern! I find that the calories they allow me on here (about 1580) is about right. Some days I don't use them all- others I do, it all depends normally on how much I have worked out that day! I exercise once every day, but some days I get in a second workout- so I am more hungry...
    One thing that worked for me is instead of buying/eating a candy bar, I buy a bag of dark chocolate chips. Then I put about a dozen in a small dish, put the bag back in the pantry, and limit myself to just what is in the bowl. It normally curbs that "gotta have chocolate" craving! You can do the same with any snack- take some, and walk away from the rest! You'll find that the first two bites are really good- they will be the best ones. Savor them!
    Good luck! I hope that it helps you!
  • mg413
    mg413 Posts: 39 Member
    My advice would be to fill your pantry and fridge with some low-calorie SATISFYING snacks. When I know that I can snack on SPECIAL K CRACKER CRISPS (which totally helps with the chip craving!), 100 CALORIE TORTILLA PIZZA (which takes care of the pizza craving), DARK CHOCOLATE BAR where I'm satisfied if I break off a little square for a sweet tooth craving, or 120 CALORIE WEIGHT WACHER BARS (..hello! Ice cream!!!), etc. I feel like I'm getting my "junk food" cravings all satisfied but by choosing healthier smaller portions and obviously consuming them in moderation it's helps me so much!!

    I don't quite trust myself yet to just snack on veggies, fruits, nuts, yogurt, etc. (not that those are the only things you can snack on...you know what I mean!) .....I'd go crazy with my cravings. Once you let yourself off the hook every once in a while with a healthier option, it won't seem like such a binge because you're getting the cravings taken care of throughout the week.

    Just some suggestions:flowerforyou:

    EDITED TO ADD: I'm also doing 1200 cal a day and I still enjoy all those treats!! You can do it on 1200 if that's your goal!!
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I felt like that when I was trying to eat 1200 a day too. You might want to bump it up to 1500 a day. I felt a lot better when I started eating more, and I crave junk food a lot less.
  • kittenmitton
    kittenmitton Posts: 231 Member
    Don't deny your cravings. If you want chips, eat some chips. If you want a brownie, have a brownie. Denying your cravings will make you more likely to binge on those things later. Like today, I wanted a cupcake, so I had a cupcake and still managed to stay under my calorie goal. You can eat the things you crave and not gain weight. It's all about portion control and moderation.