Your motivation?



  • hellonheels88
    hellonheels88 Posts: 262 Member
    The fact that I wrote out my mini goals and if all goes as planned and I stay on track, I will have lost 30-40 pounds by the time my husband comes home for 2 weeks this summer after not seeing each other in 10 months! I will be at the weight I was when we got married 4 years ago. HUGE motivation!
  • jelias1
    Don't want to die early or develop complications later in life due to poor eating habits and lack of exercise. I am hoping to go into officers academy of the air force since I just graduated with my bachelors in engineering. I want to get married someday and skydive, buy a sports car. There are too many things to live for that I must lose the weight to achieve a healthier lifestyle.
  • justaxletdown
    Short term, I want to look great for my 21st birthday and run a 5k this April!
    Long term, I just want to be able to actually like the way I look... And eventually I want to run more races, planning to do three 5k's this year, hopefully I'll work my way up!
  • dreamer1003
    dreamer1003 Posts: 30 Member
    Initially I wanted to lose weight and get healthy so that I could do anything I wanted with the kids and my husband. Now I am motivated by two things. 1. I just want to finish what I started. I am active now and can pretty much do anything, but I am not done. I want to feel good about where I am at. 2. I am motivated to finish this off because in all of my children's young life I have been dieting. Both of my kids are far too aware of my body image issues. I have always tried to not talk to them about it nor talk about it in front of them, but I have noticed lately my son calls his legs fat and tells me he is afraid of getting big. This is not healthy for a 6 year old - especially one that doesn't even tip the scales at 40 lbs Dressed. So, I need to close this chapter of my life out a soon and as healthy as possible. I have quit calling it a diet. I only talk about being healthy now. But, I need to try to make this "normal" so that they do not develop body image issues due to my own body image issues.
  • CheleLynn44
    CheleLynn44 Posts: 339 Member
    My motivation started off because I did not want to have my nuro eye guy drilling into my head to put in a shunt to relieve pressure off my eyes. I had a check up and the 26lbs I have lost so far have already jade a difference in my eyes, I was so happy!!

    So now my motivation is to continue to lose to improve the pressure in my eyes, and to be more active and quit sitting on the sidelines watching life go by!!!
  • NamsdnaL
    NamsdnaL Posts: 102 Member
    I have several reasons but the big one is to be healthy not only for myself but also for my DS and DH. Another reason is to feel sexier in my own skin. We are also going to Europe this summer and I want to be in the pictures not hiding behind the camera . Nothing like wondering who's fat *kitten* is in the picture and realizing it's your own. :blushing: :sad:
  • bwallner1971
    bwallner1971 Posts: 41 Member
    Short term....A memorial day weekend backpacking trip
    Mid range...100 lbs lost by labor day (at 57 down)
    Long the Appalachian Trail end to end in 2017

    Love your long term goal! I met someone here that has done it and with his daughter and they said it was the best time ever...she quit her job to be able to do it and then when she was done her boss called her begging to come back lol...he offered her a raise, a sign on bonus, and a ticket home

    My fear is I won't want to get off the trail! When I was active in my 20's this was on my bucket at 40 it's back on! Not a day goes by with out some time spent day dreaming about my mecca.
  • VodkaSalad37
    VodkaSalad37 Posts: 66 Member
    I have a closet full of really skanky dresses that I've never worn. Also like health and my kid and stuff.
  • Tinkerbsb
    Tinkerbsb Posts: 19 Member
    My mothers death push's me to loss the weight plus knowing that my siblings look up to me helps to thats my motivation thats the motivation that push's me to the gym, makes me work out even if Im having a bad day, that makes me try to eat better. I mean I know this is for me but that is what push's me when I feel like just giving up
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I have a few

    -To look incredibly sexy xD of course
    -To be a great role model for my future family
    -To perform better in my sport (rugby)
    -To prevent any diet related diseases
    -To be confident
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    That little girl in my picture!!!! to be able to do anything she wants without worry about how i look!!!!! And to be healthy and in my weight range for my height. :)Feel more confident too
  • TurtleTape
    TurtleTape Posts: 254 Member
    Short term....A memorial day weekend backpacking trip
    Mid range...100 lbs lost by labor day (at 57 down)
    Long the Appalachian Trail end to end in 2017

    Love your long term goal! I met someone here that has done it and with his daughter and they said it was the best time ever...she quit her job to be able to do it and then when she was done her boss called her begging to come back lol...he offered her a raise, a sign on bonus, and a ticket home

    My fear is I won't want to get off the trail! When I was active in my 20's this was on my bucket at 40 it's back on! Not a day goes by with out some time spent day dreaming about my mecca.

    I live in the Appalachians (I go to school here) and it's beautiful year round. I'm just a few minutes from the Blue Ridge Parkway here. Good luck!
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    My motivation is the confidence I used to have.
    Also, my PCOS is VERY weight sensitive, so once I lose another 5 pounds or so, my menstruation should return :) (TMI. Sorry, boys...)
  • Peanut0711
    Peanut0711 Posts: 88 Member
    My motivation: To have my husband stop wanting me to be another woman who is in shape and being told I could look like that.....==))
    so now, when I do look like that, I can leave him !! ahaha payback!
  • emfilomena
    My motivation is myself. I have pictures of me at a pretty high weight, especially for my height (5'1).. When I get discouraged, I think back to when I was that high weight, how I felt, what I looked like, etc., and I remember I do NOT want to be there ever again. Plus, exercising gives me mental clarity and helps with physical medical issues I have : )
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 266 Member
    I want to be the sexy sister. My brother and sister are both very fit, active, attractive people. I always felt awkward and defensive around their friends because I felt they were all judging and dissecting me. It was me who had the problem. Now I just want my husband and I to be able to do all the fun, active things people our age are supposed to do. I just found out I'm under the maximum weight to go horseback riding. I'm going to do that very soon. :) Some day I will get my sister to teach me how to surf.