30 years old from the Phillipines: Hello!

Hi Sir/Ma'am,

I am new here in the MFP. I learned about this awesome site by downloading the Ipod App since its free. I am a 30 y/o male from the Philippines. When I was in college, I used to weigh around 160 lbs at 5'9" then comes work. Since I can now afford to buy the foods I never had before I binged and ballooned to 210 lbs. Then comes the worst part, I have torn my ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) ,probably due to my weight, and had my operation. Since then I have grew further at almost 260 lbs due to limited activity I can do.

Last January I just turned 30 years old and suddenly realized that I need to make a change for myself. I enrolled in the gym, eat less white rice and educate myself on proper nutrition. Cardio is the way to lose weight but proper nutrition is the most important. I eat healthy. Get my carbs on from fruits and veggies. Protein from lean meat and fish. I train 6 times a week. 30 min cardio and 1.5 hours strength/weight training. But the biggest secret of all is the support of my family. They all try to eat healthy and my mom prepare healthy meals for me.

After 2 months, I lost around 25 lbs. I now weigh 235 lbs and my 42 in wait line is now 40 inches. I can fit on my old clothes. This is a long journey, but I am enjoying it. I will post pictures once I reached 210 lbs. The stories here are inspiring and people here are awesome. Thank you!


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